Friday, August 29, 2014

ČESYK by webdesign

ČESYK Srnky ČESYKu visiting Chlumwitch
Mahacup a year for ten years, but the Chlumu be held next match, ict expo which is a little more notches. In 1999, when the children ict expo ran ČESYKu still mainly for girls, Chlum went to the first cluster of runners, including for example the guy with the year of birth 1924, ČESYK you here even as he reached number one in the category of 20 - 39 years, when all in 2003 upláchnul Lustig. This year ČESYK to start missing.
Participation famous Cykloklub at first glance diverse. Since 2000 started Spevča, ict expo Michal ict expo Vesely, Mark Blunt, Marek mahogany, Antonio Seruti, as a guest Jirka Skorkovský. Let's do it, because it is, as he put Lustig, frog.
Running environment is completely different than it cycling. Much more plebeian - stand crowded at the start of a finer nature of faint heady mix of sweat and long unwashed sweatpants that are hitting the sharp scent of massage ointments, gels and hřejivek. ict expo Touching the neighbors' shoulders, chest, guys are pushing you from behind ... START! Slap it in front of you on your heels, you undermine the rear legs. Finally, Naser - right elbow, push and left it in front of you will push aside and made his way forward on the wind, which is volnějc.
The visitors to the panelce at the pig farm, running around Spěvák family house, henhouse, and so on up to the cemetery. Up here is running ict expo nicely zvostra, ict expo guys creates positions, so the first Chlebik breaks in the famous handstand at the cemetery. Especially when there begins a line of perpetual snow. Who this year put on his rippers, ict expo has the upper hand. Treadmill step in botkách without earbuds and nails seem to run as a parody ict expo of Charlie Chaplin. Tips obtrude to the sides and longer We march uphill as little goose. Mom - duck in the administration of the bark of the bike club Radotín with us but it moves with every step precision. Lustig in kopajdách, ict expo as a fighter ace ČESYKu with him through the desert and disappears from my sight. There then rolls over me Wizard of Ozz, Ha Ha Smichov, oŠpůrkuje me of Scooter Vracovice, waist belt. But I have them on the rubber. At the gate, I'll put the waist belt. Brejličky a steamy fatigue. Then the little fellow from SK Radotín. It's nicely coated cemetery before the first drop of the hat, which he now holds executed a nice retracts.
U Vápenky is way smaller pond, balancuju the softened ict expo edges as Berousek on a rope. Dejchám back to the Wizard of Ozz and halfway ict expo up the hill I see Lustig, both headed into the forest. I guess today is not the result of "ex aequo" The venue ČESYK WINTER GAMES Wizard I give you, but you better not look after him, to me neuhranul. Although Chlumwitch would probably save me. Then opens a majestic view of the valley on Benešov, but the lowest time on kochačku.
Last appetizer - crawl up the hill at the back Chlumu. I give it all to Wizards ict expo lost their appetite for crap. In the hairpin I see that it has enough, so now just keep breakfast in the stomach, legs, shoulders and trad to finish. Already there parading red Lustig and still grinning effort. It has six. Did boiler, inter alia, from scooters and Ha Ha Smichov. And I for seven. Total satisfaction. Especially with the fact that I can not do anything because it would haksnu ice broke and Amundsen. ict expo
The announcement in elementary school Čerčany come too late as usual. And as always probed by Historical chart athletic records of local predators. So what? Is there?!? It! Ladies and gentlemen, greatly bearded record in javelin krikeťákem ict expo still holds our Pier Ceca power for nearly 60 meters ict expo from 1994! See if there Pier will hang in a year.
Comments: 6 Kajman: March 4, 2010 - 21.13
Again, ict expo I know how much zasmál.Fakt to write beautifully and it's as if I was there with Váma.Klucí.škodaje me the runs really nejdou.Kdybych now running with you, so it will last a stain in the finish you about tore out laughing, what would I showed xichty.Tak for now I just wish it had melted white evil and could be run everywhere. Biking success MARA: March 4, 2010 - 22.47
Thanks ict expo Antonio for the report, it was really difficult kluzské.Ale wonderful evening I had škytku.Za year zas.Jo and ran before the summer, so the much better časy-))) And in shorts was hot, definitely up. TUKAN myšakoff: March 5, 2010 - 8.28
To complement: track record holds Josef Cushion, 2001, at 16:53. It was run at the end of June, počásko super - warm but overcast. It Lustig: If only neškytal from something ict expo else !! He ha haaa ... It Myšakoff: legendary twist, ict expo whether it is a run, bike, or cross country skiing. I remember to lubricate the Chlumu on skis and I drove it straight through the bushes to the field ... It Pornos: classic words: "the worst is terrified of death"
ČESYK by webdesign

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