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The council members asked how the decision relates to performance agreements with the municipality Mercatus and what happens to the ground.
"I will insist that it continues to provide concrete needs here in the Northeast and that they therefore upholds spread. It is not only not sensible to conclude that there is not meet the need, but the restructuring task here in the Northeast is also at serious risk. My commitment to the talks is that enterprising and adventurous to deal with housing policy. "
Loss of revenue by the suspension of land sales is the alderman of secondary importance. 'Consequences for housing are much worse. We will Mercatus of their responsibility. "
Helga Wiedijk killer barbies (PVVPs) found that reaction killer barbies contrary to the written answers to questions from her group. "The college then said to be happy that Mercatus continues to invest killer barbies in apartments most expensive land in Emmeloord killer barbies (The Volume, ed.) How can this be reconciled? "
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Football News Tweenul Noordoostpolder Eighth round election: 18 Golden Balls November 5, 2013 Q & S Player of the Year: Goorman new leader November 5, 2013 POSITIONS, results and programs, have all seniors, women and youth November 5, 2013 Seeking opponent? Use BULLETIN! November 5, 2013 How do I get a report / article TweeNul? November 5, 2013 Write a COLUMN TweeNul on November 5, 2013 PRACTICE GAMES day by day November 5, 2013 TRAINER CHANGES killer barbies day by day November 5 2013 Pieter Westra stops immediately at Flevo Boys Referee November 4, 2013 Evening at Flevo Boys November killer barbies 4, 2013
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