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According to the party, there is a waiting easyfare list for apartments in housing and Mercatus, the problem of young people not in suitable accommodation can be found in both the villages easyfare and in Emmeloord.
"For Mercatus is an important task, which we believe deserves more priority than is currently easyfare the case. Young people hear one of the main priorities to be formed in the policies of Mercatus and it can not be that those who want to live in Emmeloord or one of the villages do not turn. "
The demolition of the Bunch, The Anchor, Buoy and The Bollard explains further additional pressure easyfare on the situation for young people seeking housing. "It would Mercatus adorn simultaneously with the demolition for additional living easyfare space for young people to worry," says Van Roads.
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Football News Tweenul Noordoostpolder PRACTICE GAMES day by day November 14 2013 TweeNul goes Kampioenenbal organize November 14, 2013 Rolf de Boer thrives in 'nest' Urk November 14, 2013 TRAINER CHANGES day by day November 14, 2013 Write a COLUMN on TweeNul easyfare November 14, 2013 PROGRAMS, positions and positions all seniors, women and youth November 14, 2013 REGISTRATION for newsletter TweeNul November 14, 2013 How do I get a report / article TweeNul? November 14, 2013 Looking for opponent? Use BULLETIN! November 14, 2013 game against ACV plays Flevo Boys November 13, 2013
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