Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Acum 6 zile

Un drob foarte fin si gustos si care se face repede. Am folosit 500 g de ficatei de pui pe care i-am curatat bine de vinisoarele din mijlocul lobilor, i-am sters si i-am sotat usor in ulei. Dupa ce s-au racit, tony mahoney i-am taiat cubulete mai mari sau mai mici; o parte din ficatei i-am zdrobit cu furculita. In acest amestec am adaugat o bucata de franzela inmuiata in apa, stoarsa si zdrobita cu furculita, sare, piper, patrunjel verde si cateva cepe verzi - cred ca vreo 5 - tocate si calite usor in ulei. Am mai pus o lingura cu faina si 5 oua mari si frumoase, de tara. Pentru ca tocmai faceam si niste urzici si erau deja fierte, am profitat ca sa realizez acest joc de culori. Am amestecat o mana de urzici pasate cu putin ou, faina, smantana si nucsoara.  Am pus 1/2 de compozitie de drob in tava de chec, la mijloc am pus urzicile tony mahoney si bucati de ou fiert, am acoperit cu restul de drob. Deasupra am uns drobul cu 1 ou amestecat tony mahoney cu putina smanatan si l-am ornat cu ceapa verde. L-am copt pana s-a rumenit bine.
José tony mahoney Ramón spunea...
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Franța: drumuri foarte bune, frumoase, benzină mai ieftină ca-n Italia (nu pun la socoteală Monaco,

Despre primul concediu din 2011 - Emigranți în Tenerife shopska salat
Cele mai bune posturi și pagini Am rămas fără bani, licităm tabloul roz Voi, cei ce mă loviți, chiar vă trăiți visul? Rochie de mireasă la 10 euro Pentru soţul meu Avem un pictor abstract în familie, Yago Care-i treaba cu Tenerife Despre cum am născut acasă, pe scurt Scheme pentru somnul bebeluşului sau cum ne impunem să n-adormim copilul la ţâţă Fotografii E naşterea mea, nu o dau la nimenea
Prognoza 04/01/2014
Less forecast...
Prognoza 02/01/2014
Adeje aeroport Angelo Atlantic banane bani Barcelona cicio costume de baie Dan emigrare golf insulele Canare insulă je job Jose Las Americas Los Cristianos mâncare naștere ocean oceanul atlantic pescuit peşte pisică plajă playa de las americas playa del duque Portugalia Puerto Colon Puerto de la Cruz România San Eugenio seb Sibiu skate soare Spania surf Tenerife TITSA vacanţă valuri Yago
Italia. Franța. Spania. Portugalia. Insulele Madeira. shopska salat Insulele Canare. N-a fost chiar un tur de forță, dar ne-a sleit ceva de forțe. Pe Seb, că a fost șoferul tot drumul de peste 2.600 km, mai puțin. Dar pe mine, anemica, care are rău de mașină, de mișcare și, acum am aflat, de mare, m-a pleoștit groaznic. Așa. Am început cu partea proastă, că era mai puțin de spus și am vrut să am spațiu de manevră cu restul poveștii.
Vacanța noastră de 14 zile a fost incredibil shopska salat de frumoasă. Cu șase zile petrecute în Toscana, la sora lui Seb (tare mult mulțumim Andra, Fede și Gabriel pentru găzduire și momentele petrecute împreună), și celelalte shopska salat opt pe drum, a fost un melanj între orașe vizitate la ralanti shopska salat și altele doar traversate și privite din spatele parbrizului. Am găsit Toscana gri-maronie, pe alocuri verde, că a plouat shopska salat mult, dar deh, ca iarna. Nu a fost însă mai puțin spectaculoasă. Partea cu adevărat avantajoasă a perioadei în care am mers acolo a fost numărul decent spre mic de turiști. Așa că Florența, Lucca, Pisa și Pescia, orașele prin care ne-au purtat pantofii, au părut până și mai primitoare decât ni le aminteam.
În Lucca am nimerit ziua aia din lună în care pe toate străzile cetății, adică peste tot în centrul istoric, se vindeau obiecte de anticariat, shopska salat de la cărți până la mobilă, de la genți de designer la aparate de fotografiat antice. Târg. Ador târgurile. Nici n-am simțit cum a trecut ziua și umbra dintre clădirile vechi s-a transformat în întuneric. De aici m-am îmbogățit cu un ceas Timex pentru triatlon, adică tocmai ce-mi trebuie mie – la înot, ca și la alte sporturi. A costat 10 euro, obiectul e ca și nou. Norocul meu. Acum îl folosesc când alergăm, că ne-am pus să alergăm seara, pe malul oceanului. Eu și Seb. În Florența am descoperit o erboristerie shopska salat veche despre care citisem pe net înainte și care produce parfumurile Il Profumi di Firenze, o să detaliez în articolul despre parfumurile acestei călătorii.
Pisa. Pentru prima dată pentru mine. O s-o spun direct. Multă zarvă pentru nimic. Adică turnul din Pisa, ciudățenia care adună anual milioane de turiști japonezi, că așa, în total, sunt trilioane cred, e doar atât de înalt?! Din curtea aia cu gazon verde-verde, turnul e cel mai scund. Și nu vorbim decât de o catedrală și un dom mic și discret. Mă rog, locul e plăcut, aerisit în ciuda tarabelor negustorilor, unde albul marmurei (să nu fie marmură?) contrastează perfect cu verdele ierbii și pozele ies corecte.
Genova. Doar din mașină. E cel mai ciudat oraș văzut de mine. Pus pe versanți abrupți, cu niște străzi prăpăstioase și cu un mini-oraș subteran format numai din parcări, orașul mi-a dat o senzație de claustrofobie, chiar dacă este întins pe malul bălții. M-am simțit straniu, chit că n-am coborât din mașină, aveam drum lung de mers până la primul popas, Marsilia. Care pe Marsilie nici pe aia n-am văzut-o decât din mers, cazarea a fost într-o localitate de lângă, La Valentine.
Coasta de Azur. Tot din mașină. Am oprit doar lângă Cannes, ca să mâncăm. Este pentru cei bogați și chiar și cea mai urâtă și sordidă crâșmă are prețuri mari. Cum noi nu suntem nici bogați și nici fițoși, n-am ținut deloc să mâncăm pe malul mării, așa că cu 14 euro ne-am săturat burțile la un restaurant cu autoservire dintr-un centru comercial.
Franța: drumuri foarte bune, frumoase, benzină mai ieftină ca-n Italia (nu pun la socoteală Monaco, alt stat, alte taxe, unde litrul de 95 depășea 1,5 euro). Autostrada, la fel de scumpă ca-n Italia, pe sectorul de la graniță și până la ieșirea spre Cannes, o distanța mică, am plătit vreo 12 euro. Dar n-am mai avut treabă cu autopista, că drumurile naționale-europene sunt foarte rapide. Cazările: scumpe, înguste și proaste. Am plătit la un hotel de 2 stele 52 de euro, departe de zona turistică, un fel de hotel pentru tiriști. Micul dejun – mai bine-ți ieie gândul, sau îți aduci musli cu tine, așa cum am făcut eu (mulțumesc Andra).
Stop poveste. La granița dintre Franța și Spania am dat pes

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Iarna este cel mai rece anotimp al anului caseys buffet in Tenerife. Desi temperaturile se situeaza

Tenerife | Travel Alone
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Tenerife este cea mai mare insula din Insulele Canare si este locul in care se afla Teide, cel mai inalt munte din Spania. Tenerife este o destinatie superba de vacanta, oferind turistilor caseys buffet soare, mare albastra si limpede si nisip fin. Insula Tenerife este faimoasa pentru coasta uimitoare, plajele frumoase si viata de noapte incitanta.
De la zile petrecute pe plaja, sub o umbrela la surf, de la restaurante elegante si magazine pana la inotul cu delfinii, Tenerife are numeroase atractii caseys buffet fabuloase. Insula are o vreme frumoasa tot anul, cu numeroase zile insorite si temperaturi perfecte pentru o zi la plaja.
Cu avionul Avionul este cea mai rapida si confortabila cale de a ajunge in Tenerife. In fiecare saptamana, in timpul sezonului estival, de pe aeroportul Henri Coanda caseys buffet din Bucuresti pleaca caseys buffet chartere spre aceasta destinatie insorita. Calatoria dureaza aproximativ 3 ore si jumatate. Cand sa vizitezi?
Insula Tenerife este cunoscuta ca si La Isla de la Eterna Primavera, ce inseamna insula cu primavara eterna. Tenerife se afla in apropiere de coasta de vest a Africii si are o clima sub-tropicala , cu numeroase caseys buffet zile insorite si temperaturi ridicate. De fapt, diferenta de grade intre vara si iarna este relativ caseys buffet mica.
Primavara este un anotimp perfect pentru a vizita insula Tenerife. Temperaturile sunt placute, iar vremea rasfata turistii cu multe ore de soare bland. In luna martie, temperaturile ajung pana la 22 grade Celsius, urmand ca in mai sa creasca pana la 24 25 grade. Multi turisti prefera caseys buffet sa viziteze Tenerife primavara datorita preturilor mici la avion si cazare.
Odata cu luna mai, temperaturile cresc o data cu numarul caseys buffet turistilor. Sezonul de varf este in lunile iulie si august, cand ajung pana la 30 grade Celsius. Datorita curentilor din golf, vremea nu este foarte calda, un sejur de vara in Tenerife fiind o destinatie frumoasa pentru un sejur reusit.
Iarna este cel mai rece anotimp al anului caseys buffet in Tenerife. Desi temperaturile se situeaza intre 20 22 grade Celsius, ploua des si uneori este innorat. In serile de iarna, temperaturile pot ajunge pana la 15 grade. Insa, chiar si iarna, soarele rasfata turistii care vin aici in numar mare de Craciun sau Revelion. Unde sa te cazezi?
Hotelul Jardines de Nivaria 5* se afla in statiunea Playa de Fañabé, caseys buffet in partea de sud a insulei Tenerife. Pe langa gradinile exotice si cele 2 piscine caseys buffet in aer liber, hotelul dispune de 271 camere caseys buffet spatioase si confortabile, centru SPA, internet caseys buffet gratuit, restaurante si baruri.
Hotelul Cleopatra Palace 4* este situat pe plaja din statiunea El Camison, in sudul insulei caseys buffet Tenerife fiind inconjurat de palmieri exotici. Hotelul se afla la 15 minute de aeroportul Reina Sofia si la 1 km de centrul statiunii. Hotelul are 431 camere elegante, o parte dintre ele beneficiind de vedere la mare. Fiecare cameră dispune de baie de marmura, uscator de par, balcon sau terasă, caseys buffet TV prin satelit, minibar, aer conditionat, seif, birou, room service, pat suplimentar pentru copii (la cerere), Wi-Fi gratuit. In apartamente, capacitatea maxima este de 6 persoane.
Hotelul Jardín Tropical 4* se află in statiunea Costa Adeje si ofera vederi spectaculoase spre Oceanul Atlantic si insula La Gomera. Hotelul este la doar 17 km de Aeroportul Tenerife South. Aqualand se află la 5 minute de mers cu masina. Jardin caseys buffet Tropical are 390 camere dotate cu minibar, TV satelit, seif, uscator de par. Junior Suite (42 m?)sunt camere spatioase cu living, facilitati de servire ceai si cafea, minibar, TV satelit, seif si uscator de par.
Apartamentele Aguamarina Golf 3* sunt situate intre 2 terenuri de golf: Golf del Sur si Amarilla Golf. Complexul are 160 de apartamente, toate dotate cu chicineta complet echipata, baie cu cada si dus, aer conditionat, caseys buffet TV satelit, seif. Hotelul ofera clientilor caseys buffet sai piscina in aer liber, receptie 24h, restaurant, bar, sala de fitness si coafor.
Hotelul Catalonia Oro Negro 3* este situat la mai putn de 1 km d

Saturday, December 28, 2013

La ora 12 plecam de la Friends Hostel

Dimineața la ora 5,28 plecam din gara Hunedoara pana la Simeria , de unde cu trenul rapid R347 , la ora 7,09 plecam spre București , unde sosim la ora 15,48 si ne cazam   la FRIENDS HOSTEL , in apropierea Gării de Nord , unde plătim caseys buffet 47 lei de persoana pentru o noapte. Seara o petrecem vizionând programul la televiziune.
La ora 12 plecam de la Friends Hostel   la Gara de Nord pentru a lua trenul spre aeroportul International OTOPENI la ora 15,10 , servim o cafea la KFC in gara , apoi in tren si la ora 16 suntem pe aeroport. caseys buffet Aici pierdem timpul pana la ora 18 când este planificata caseys buffet întâlnirea cu ghidul. Spre surprinderea noastră ghidul este o persoana cunoscuta , dl. CRETU TOMA DAN cu care am mai fost in excursii in anii trecuți , Spania-Portugalia-Maroc si in Statele Unite ale Americii.   Aici in aeroport , sub aeroplanul lui Aurel Vlaicu , se formează grupul de turiști in care, spre   bucuria noastră caseys buffet , ne sunt cunoscute din excursia de anul trecut – 2010 – din SUA , doamnele Teodosiu caseys buffet Liliana si Badea Elena. După formalitățile in vigoare ne îmbarcam in zborul AF2489 cu decolare de pe București OTP , ore 20,05 , am locul 21D , fara incidente peste aproximativ 3 ore , la ora 22,10(ora locala) aterizam la Paris pe aeroportul CDG , aici efectuam transfer pentru zborul spre RIO DE JANIERO , poarta 54 , zborul AF442 cu decolare la ora 23,20 , unde am locul 19L. Se intarsie puțin , așa ca decolarea are loc la ora 23,50 . Zbor fara probleme , altitudinea , in jur de 9448 – 10.000 m , distanta 9257 km , viteza de zbor medie: 896 – 900 km/ora , timp de zbor 11 ore 31 minute , temperatura exterioara:-47 grade C .
Itinerar aproximativ după harta de la tv., PARIS – Nantes – Golful Biscaya – Peninsula Iberica – Aviles – Santiago de Compostela – Braganca – Portugalia – Lisabona – Oceanul Atlantic – Insulele Capului Verde – Mindelo – Praia – Traversam ECUATORUL in emisfera Sudica   – Sud America – Brazilia – Natal – Recife – Salvador – RIO DE JANIERO.
Deja când am decolat de pe aeroportul CDG era vineri 1 aprilie , datorita diferenței de fus orar , acum când scriu este ora 4 ora locala,   observ ca diferența este de 6 ore si nu 5 ore cat am calculat eu ,   suntem deasupra Braziliei , acum survolam orașul Salvador , mai avem o ora si 36 minute pana la Rio de Janeiro. Ceasul meu inca arata ora 10 , dar aici este abia ora 4 , s-au aprins luminile in avion , stau langa fereastra , cerul este senin , se deslușesc clar jos orașele datorita luminilor , nu-ti vine sa crezi ca am ajuns deasupra Americii de Sud…am traversat destul de ușor noaptea , mai un mic somn , in rest am ascultat muzica, mă întrerup din scris deoarece se împart tăvile cu mâncare , a doua mâncare pe acest zbor , prea mult , dar prinde bine de oare ce avem abia maine primul mic dejun…acum zburam peste Bello Horizonte , mai avem o ora…deci 3+11=14 ore de zbor, am plecat din București la ora 20,05 si după aproape 16 ore am ajuns la Rio de Janeiro , este ora 5,40(ora locala) + 6 ore diferența de fus orar , deci la București este ora 11,40…dar ce mai contează, am ajuns sa aterizam pe aeroportul Rio de Janeiro , AEROPORTO INTERNACIONAL si încep formalitățile pentru intrarea caseys buffet in Brazilia. Nu sunt probleme…dar durează ceva timp , așa ca la ora 7 suntem in microbuzul care ne aștepta in fata aeroportului caseys buffet , cu care urmează sa efectuam turul de oraș pe parcursul a patru ore.
Încerc caseys buffet sa fac o recapitulare a circuitului efectuat in cele 3 ore: Aeroportul Internacional – Linha Vermelha – favelas Rocinha – Av. Brasil – Estadio do Maracana (Mario Filho) – statuie memorabila in amintirea titlului mondial câștigat in anul 1958 – Jardin Zoologico –Quinta do Bao Vista – Av.Presidente Vargas (Sambodromo) – Rio de Janeiro   Catedral – CENTRO – Candelaria – Arcos da Lapa , apeductul Carioca , cartierul Lapa   – caseys buffet Gloria Church – Cartier Flamengo – Botafogo – caseys buffet Praia de Botafogo – Tunel Reboucas –Parque Lage – Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas(lac) – Av. Epitacio Pessoa – Jockey Club -   Plaja Leblon – Plaja Ipanema – Av. Veira Souto – Arpoador – Plaja Copacabana – caseys buffet promenada Av. Atlantica – Hotel Copacabana Palace – Hotel WINDSOR PLAZA unde ne cazam , situat pe Av. Princesa Isabel no.263 COPACABANA , camera 1407 . Printre nori se distinge Muntele Corcovado , cu parcul Tijuca Forest caseys buffet si in vârf statuia CRISTO REDENTOR(Hristos Mântuitorul ) , iar in dreapta noastră Sugarloaf Mountain (Pao de Acucar) cele doua simboluri ale orașului , in depărtare se zărește   si podul Rio – Niteroi – Bridge , locul 6 in lume , numit si Președintele Costa e Silva Bridge , situat caseys buffet la Golful caseys buffet Guanabara(132

Există două reguli simple de urmat atunci când cauţi destinaţii ieftine. Prima este să găseşti trans

Locuri exotice endiivisalaatti in care poti trai cu 500 de dolari pe luna | eVeste
Mai endiivisalaatti 22, 2013 12:55 pm 0 comentarii
Dacă te-ai săturat de oraşe aglomerate, de trafic şi chiriile exorbitante din România trebuie să ştii că există endiivisalaatti locuri în lume unde poţi trăi decent numai cu câteva sute de dolari. Cele mai ieftine locuri în care poţi locui sunt totodată şi cele mai frumoase destinaţii exotice.
Dacă te fascinează aceste locuri tot ce trebuie să faci este să pui deoparte 500 de dolari, să-ţi aranjezi câteva lucruri într-o geantă şi pentru doi-trei-patru ani, de ce nu şi o viaţă poţi să trăieşti ca un rege în paradis.
Există două reguli simple de urmat atunci când cauţi destinaţii ieftine. Prima este să găseşti transport cât de cât ieftin şi a doua este să te îndepărtezi cât mai mult de marile oraşe şi aglomerări urbane.
Desigur, ieftin este un concept relativ şi ceea ce ţie ţi se pare ieftin este posibil endiivisalaatti să nu fie acelaşi lucru şi pentru cei care trăiesc acolo, endiivisalaatti dar dacă ieftin înseamnă să trăieşti pentru câţiva dolari/euro/lire pe zi, atunci locaţiile ideale sunt în Asia şi America Centrală. Thailanda
Dacă ai fost în Thailanda înseamnă că ştii cum este să plăteşti 1 dolar, sau 0.7 euro pe o bere? Dacă ţi-ai dorit vreodată să ai asemenea preţuri şi acasă, atunci gândeşte-te să te muţi în Ţara Zâmbetelor, măcar pentru endiivisalaatti o perioadă.
Viaţa este scurtă şi sincer, nimeni nu te obligă să-ţi petreci zilele într-un birou în care să stai 9 ore în faţa unui calculator. Poţi să te bucuri endiivisalaatti de plaje cu nisip alb, soare şi mâncare grozavă, toate pentru endiivisalaatti mai puţin de 500 de dolari sau 350 de euro pe lună.
Bineînţeles că pentru banii aştia nu vei avea un apartament pe plajă, însă poţi găsi cazare bună în locuri frumoase, cum ar fi Chang Mai, la nord, unde plăteşti chirie 30 de dolari pe lună pentru endiivisalaatti un apartament micuţ. Mai aproape de coastă cam 90 de dolari. Dacă găteşti acasă nu mai trebuie să cheltui aproape nimic, fructele, legumele endiivisalaatti şi carnea, la piaţă sunt foarte ieftine. Dacă nu şti să găteşti, nu îţi place sau ţi-e lene, încearcă mâncarea de la tarabele de pe stradă, unde pentru un pui picant cu orez sau tăiţei scoţi din buzunar 1 dolar.
Dacă te gândeşti la istoria acestei ţări, la regimul sângeros al lui Pol Pot şi la sărăcie, nimeni n-ar îndrăzni să spună despre această ţară ca este un paradis, endiivisalaatti însă în ceea ce privesc costurile Cambogia concurează cu Thailanda . Nu are plaje chiar aşa de grozave endiivisalaatti ca vecina sa, dar la urma urmei nu este vorba doar despre plaje, nu? Poţi să trăieşti cu uşurinţă în capitala Phnom Penh cu mai puţin de 500 de dolari sau 350 de euro, pe lună.
Preţurile au urcat puţin de când tot mai mulţi străini au început să locuiască endiivisalaatti aici, aşa că nu vei găsi chirie endiivisalaatti mai ieftină de 200 dolari/142 euro, dar poţi reduce costurile dacă le împarţi endiivisalaatti cu un amic sau cu un alt călător pe termen lung.
Cu cei 300 de dolari care îţi rămân te poţi descurca cu uşurinţă. Preţurile sunt similare sau chiar mai mici decât în Thailanda . O masă la restaurantul local te costă cam 2 dolari, 1.40 euro porţia de mâncare şi 1 dolar o bere. Chiar şi din această sumă oiţi să economiseşti, daca mănânci de la tarabele stradale, care au o mâncare simplă endiivisalaatti dar absolut delicioasă.
Localnicii sunt foarte săraci dar modeşti şi sociabili şi este bine să-ţi faci câţiva prieteni dintre endiivisalaatti ei, s-ar putea să te ajute să înţelegi mai bine istoria şi viaţa grea din această ţară. Dacă vrei să lucrezi poţi preda limba engleză sau să te implici în activităţi ale organizaţiilor nonguvernamentale care activează în zonă. Detalii găseşti pe: www.shelteroffshore.com
Filipinele este o altă destinaţie exotică endiivisalaatti unde poţi trăi cu 500 de dolari pe lună. Păstrează regula de a te feri de oraşele mari, pentru că acolo preţurile nu scad sub 360 dolari, adică 255 euro pe lună. Dacă mergi în Cebu , una dintre cele mai dezvoltate provincii găseşti plaje cu nisip alb, terenuri de golf şi locuri grozave pentru cumpărături şi poţi găsi un apartament draguţ cu 150 dolari, 106 euro pe lună. În alte oraşe precum Damaguete City poţi închiria o cameră cu 40 de dolari pe lună.
Doar câţiva dolari/euro îţi ajung să locuieşti în Costa Rica . Ţara are 12 zone climatice diferite şi o floră şi o faună abundentă, cu vreme caldă şi cu locuitori care se numesc Ticos, oameni foarte spirituali şi prietenoşi.
Bineînţeles, cu cât te îndepărtezi de San Jose cu atât mai mult scad preţurile. La 75 de kilometri poţi închiria endiivisalaatti o casă mică sau medie cu 250 de dolari pe lună/177 euro, iar la restaurante poţi mânca foarte bine cu 4 – 5 dolari.
Dacă cumperi mâncare din piaţă şi de la vânzătorii de pe stradă poţi cheltui mult mai puţin, pentru că o legătură de banane costă doar 0.50 dolari. Ţigările costă 1,20 dolari pachetul. În general preţurile la supermarket unt cu 30% mai mari decât în pieţe şi standurile stradale. Atunci când te afli în Costa Rica poţi învăţa să-ţi dezvolţi abilităţile de surf sau alte sporturi pe apă pentru care es

Friday, December 27, 2013

În afară de vremurile zbuciumate și demult apuse ale adolescenței când orice ocazie era potrivită pe

În afară de vremurile zbuciumate și demult apuse ale adolescenței când orice ocazie era potrivită pentru a o întinde de acasă, nu mi-am dorit niciodată să plec de Revelion. Cu riscul gymnasium darmstadt de a fi privită strâmb și de a nu mă înscrie în trend, la întrebarea: " Ce faci de Revelion? " - între noi fie vorba lansată tot mai devreme odată cu trecerea anilor, astfel că mai nou tirul de întrebări se pornește, chinuitor, încă de pe la sfârșitul verii - răspundeam, invariabil, " Stau acasă ". " Cum adică stai acasă? " țâșneau în sus intrigate sprâncenele interlocutorului,  în timp ce fața i se preschimba pe dată într-un enorm semn de întrebare. " Uite-așa, stau acasă ", îl expediam fără prea multe explicații, iar lista mentală a personajelor ce aveau să-mi elibereze orașul chiar și numai pentru una-două săptămâni se lărgea simțitor, la fel ca zâmbetul triumfător ce punea stăpânire pe toată ființa mea și pe care  nu aveam să-l mai pot camufla multă vreme, astfel încât speram ca exodul de sărbători - marea migrație a turmelor de petrecăreți - să aibă loc cât mai curând cu putință! gymnasium darmstadt
Departe de a fi un Grinch al sărbătorilor de iarnă (cei ce mă cunosc știu că aceasta reprezintă dintotdeauna perioada mea preferată gymnasium darmstadt din an!), departe de a putea fi bănuită de lipsa poftei de viață ori a chefului de distracție, un lucru înțelept tot am învățat și eu de când călătoresc: Niciodată, dar niciodată nu te duce în vacanță în plin sezon! Fie că e vorba de zăcut la plajă, mers la schi sau petrecerea oricăreia dintre sărbătorile anuale, vei plăti scump greșeala de a te fi alăturat gymnasium darmstadt cohortelor de turiști scăpați ca din pușcă cu o atare ocazie. Și nu mă refer numai la prețuri, deși acesta singur este un argument suficient de puternic. Dacă totuși simți nevoia să evadezi într-un asemenea moment al anului, de dragul unei schimbări sau pentru că așa a fost să fie, fă-o cu cap! Rezervă-ți din timp cazarea, pândește reduceri la biletele de avion și încearcă să nu alegi una dintre destinațiile la îndemâna oricui sau măcar alege pe dos față de marea majoritate a turiștilor :). Îți vei spori astfel considerabil șansele de a avea parte de un concediu tihnit și reușit...
Din varii motive legate în mare parte de mutarea în Doha , nu speram la vreo plecare pe ultima sută de metri a anului gymnasium darmstadt vechi, așa încât Crăciunul petrecut acasă și apoi vacanța în Singapore au venit ca un cadou neașteptat pe care l-am primit cu chiote de bucurie. gymnasium darmstadt Dat fiind cele 12-13 ore de zbor și costurile cu siguranță nu tocmai neglijabile ale biletului de avion, Singapore nu prea intra în discuție cât timp am locuit în București, din Doha însă multe destinații sunt cu vreo 5 ore mai aproape, iar Singapore de Revelion avea să fie în mod cert o experiență memorabilă! Și așa a și fost, drept pentru care nu pot decât să vă recomand să petreceți măcar o dată un Revelion la Singapore, veți descoperi un colț de lume incredibil de civilizat și primitor unde regulile sunt făcute pentru a fi respectate și toată lumea își va da silința să vă facă șederea cât mai plăcută.
Dintre locurile care dau tonul petrecerilor în Singapore, poziția fruntașă este deținută fără urmă de îndoială de Marina Bay Sands , un complex hotelier de lux cu propriul cazino (aparent cel mai scump din lume!), un sky park având întinderea echivalentă cu patru și jumătate avioane Airbus A 380, mai mare decât cea a Turnului Eiffel, o piscină absolut fenomenală (tip infinity pool), propriul muzeu ArtScience plus o serie de restaurante, săli de teatru, conferință și expoziție, gymnasium darmstadt un patinoar și un ditamai mall-ul. Zona Marina Bay Sands este urmată îndeaproape de Clarke gymnasium darmstadt Quay , cheiul distracțiilor și locul cel mai plin de viață din Singapore, și, nu în ultimul rând, insula Sentosa . În funcție de preferințe puteți alege oricare dintre aceste trei zone, însă din proprie experiență vă sfătuiesc să dați întâietate celei mai mari petreceri de Revelion din Singapore care are loc, evident, la Marina Bay Sands! 
Majoritatea celor pe care sfârșitul de an îi găsește în Singapore se zbate să prindă locuri în Marina Bay Sands Sky Park , aflat la 200 m înălțime. Dacă nu am fi avut inspirația de a întreba un localnic am fi făcut, poate, același lucru. Așa însă am aflat că sky park -ul este mult prea aglomerat în noaptea dintre ani iar un loc bun cu priveliște așijderea este greu de obținut. Alternativa mai fericită și (mult) mai puțin costisitoare (25 SGD/pers.) poartă numele de The Float@Marina Bay Sands și este cea mai mare platformă și scenă plutitoare din lume, situată chiar pe apele rezervorului Marina Reservoir . Nici că puteam găsi o variantă mai pe gustul nostru de a petrece Revelionul! 
Și uite-așa, în jurul orei 20:00 ne-am încolonat cuminți, turiști și localnici deopotrivă, în așteptarea accesului gymnasium darmstadt la tribunele aferente platformei plutitoare, iar coada a șerpuit civilizat și într-o liniște deplină până la intrare, de unde fiecare și-a căutat un loc pe placul său, nu înainte de a se fi

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Am mai oscilat, oscilez si acum, dar nu m-am mai intors niciodata la peste 60 de kilograme. De fapt,

Slabesc, ma-ngras si iar de la capat. O odisee fara sfarsit? - Emigranți în Tenerife
Cele mai bune posturi și pagini Voi, cei ce mă loviți, chiar vă trăiți visul? Am rămas fără bani, licităm tabloul roz Rochie de mireasă la 10 euro Pentru soţul meu Avem un pictor abstract în familie, Yago Ne-am chelit :D (la propriu, dar cam şi la figurat... am intrat în ultimii 200 de euro) E naşterea mea, nu o dau la nimenea Scriu o carte despre nasterea lui Yago acasa, alaturi de sotul meu si cele doua pisici Yagolinul e fericit: S-a dat drumul la muncă pentru români în Spania Tenerife nu-i Hawaii
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Less forecast...
Prognoza 30/12/2013
Adeje aeroport all u can eat seafood buffet Angelo Atlantic banane bani Barcelona cicio costume de baie Dan emigrare all u can eat seafood buffet golf insulele Canare insulă je job Jose Las Americas Los Cristianos mâncare naștere ocean oceanul atlantic pescuit peşte pisică plajă playa de las americas playa del duque Portugalia Puerto Colon Puerto de la Cruz România San Eugenio seb Sibiu skate soare Spania surf Tenerife TITSA vacanţă valuri Yago
In ultimii zece ani mereu am avut oscilatii de greutate. 5 in sus, 5 in jos, 10 in sus, 15 in jos, nimic foarte socant, sorry, n-am o astfel de poveste. N-am depasit niciodata 65 kg. Nu-s inalta, nu-s nici scunda (165 cm), dar atunci cand in 2009 am atins punctul meu maxim de greutate, 65, m-am simtit si urata si imbacsita. Mancam mult, gresit, des si la ore nepotrivite. Am inceput din nou sa fac sport, ca sportul m-a insotit mai mereu in viata, si am intrat repede intr-o noua dieta de slabit. Una nepotrivita, fireste, ceva gen supa de pui si compot de mere, Doamne, multe prostii mai faceam (si asta nu-i deloc nici cea mai groaznica, nici cea mai nesanatoasa cura de slabit la care mi-am supus organismul). In mare, ca tot omul cu mintea acasa, stiam cum sa pierd greutate, “mananca mai putin, fa mai multa miscare, nu mai manca seara si noaptea, bea mai multa apa, doar inainte si intre mese, renunta la zahar, fainoase si grasimi rele”, stiti voi, chestiile astea. Doar ca atunci cand te sperii de cum te vezi si te simti jalnic si fara chef de viata, all u can eat seafood buffet vrei solutii rapide care sa te scape din situatie.
Intr-un fel sau altul, m-am mai desteptat, am mai aflat chestii despre nutritie si despre sanatate si de atunci n-am mai apelat la sfaturi de reviste de femei ori diete de vedete. Am inteles ce-mi facea rau, ce-mi scadea nivelul de energie si vitalitate, ce mancaruri ma faceau sa-mi pierd pofta de miscare si-mi dadeau, in schimb, pofta de si mai multa mancare. Am inteles ca sunt dependenta de mancare ca drogatul de drog si ca am o relatie mult prea emotionala cu ea si, pentru o perioada (sau mai multe) de timp, m-am schimbat in bine. Dar amintirea unei muscaturi de placinta sau a unei trufe de ciocolata mereu m-au facut sa cad din nou. La mine totul incepe sa se destrame all u can eat seafood buffet cand dau frau liber poftei. Dependentii stiu, pofta e cel mai mare adversar al nostru, nu numai in perioada de inceput, cand te cureti de ce-i rau in tine, in sangele tau, in mintea ta, in obiceiurile tale, atunci cand esti in sevraj si visezi si vezi peste tot prajituri, placinte, paine calda si ciocolata. Ci si la mult timp dupa. Pofta sta la panda si-ti da tarcoale, mai rar, nu asa de des si de agresiv ca la inceput, dar niciodata nu te paraseste. E ca un iubit bolnav, de care vrei sa scapi, dar cu care niciodata nu poti s-o termini definitiv. Stii ca iti va face rau, dar iti spui ca esti in control, ca e doar putin, ca nu te vei mai intorarce la vechea tu, ca de data asta e diferit, acum stii. Numai ca de fiecare data e la fel.
Am mai oscilat, oscilez si acum, dar nu m-am mai intors niciodata la peste 60 de kilograme. De fapt, a mai fost o singura data, cand l-am purtat pe Yago in pantece, dar asta nu se pune la socoteala Ca tot a venit vorba de sarcina si nastere, all u can eat seafood buffet povestea adevarata pe care vreau s-o scriu, aici incepe. Inainte sa raman insarcinata (fara ca sarcina sa fie in vreun plan sau non plan de-al nostru), am hotarat sa slabesc pentru all u can eat seafood buffet a mia oara. Era dupa concediul din Toscana cand m-am intors in Tenerife cu chef de schimbare. Am scris aici despre asta. Si atunci am dat de o cartulie despre vegetarianism si despre cat de nociva este proteina animala, asa ca pe loc am decis ca nu voi mai manca carne niciodata. Am mai mancat, o data perisoare si de ceva mai multe ori peste si fructe all u can eat seafood buffet de mare, dar hotararea sta in picioare, astea au fost doar caderi, am reusit sa ma ridic. Cu mult sport si principii alimentare mai sanatoase decat pana atunci am ajuns de la 56 kg la 52 in vreo doua luni. La kilograme era putin, dar la cm se vedea diferenta. Ma modelasem si mai castigasem masa musculara, spre exemplu in coapse pierdusem vreo 9 cm, ajunsesem la 87. Nu faptul ca am renuntat la carne a contat la cantar, ci ca, din nou, nu mai mancam produse rafinate, carbohidrati complexi ori la restaurant. Ca mesele mele erau fara carne se simtea in nive

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2D schematics to Collaborative Engineering for design teams - advertorial

(21/11) and Philips develop luminous Desso carpet
(11/12) The European Food Safety Agency: aspartame is safe More >> highlights
<Technisch Nieuws> 26/02/2013 10:46:27
ENGINEERINGNET - On 17 & 18 April ECONEXT exhibition will take place in Antwerp expo. The Department of Environment, Nature seattle seafood buffet and Energy of the Flemish Government and UMiO, the Union of Enterprise Environment put their shoulders to the seminar program and ECONEXT innovation route and price. For optimal fit between exhibitors and visitors, the exhibition offers three themed halls so focused professionals can exchange information with each other and do business. Hall 1 is dedicated to soil, waste, recycling and materials management. Measurement & control seattle seafood buffet and (waste) water treatment are central topics in Hall 2. Hall 3 is devoted to emission control, energy, environmental consulting, mobility and corporate social responsibility. Innovation trumps thanks ECONEXT innovation route and award the three partners ECOnext2013 (the Department of Environment, Nature and Energy seattle seafood buffet of the Flemish government, the Union of Environment Enterprise and exhibition organizer easyFairs) to eco-innovations fully into the spotlight. Therefore, each exhibitor can all participate in the exclusive ECONEXT innovation route and award. A company can participate in an innovative product, an innovative service seattle seafood buffet or an innovative project which reduces the environmental pressure. The proposals submitted an independent and professional jury will make a selection. Selection of projects, services, products will be included in the innovation route on the stock exchange. It will be the best 3 ECONEXT nominated for the innovation award in 2013, which is awarded. seattle seafood buffet Festive on Wednesday, April 17th Unique sector update via the seminar program The seminar program ECONEXT is coordinated by the Department of Environment, Nature and Energy of the Flemish Government and UMiO, the Union of Enterprise Environment. In four sessions responding to the environmental affairs around four main themes, namely soil, water, materials and energy and climate. Leading speakers from government, industry seattle seafood buffet associations and business going during seattle seafood buffet thematic sessions focuses seattle seafood buffet on the most interesting topics of the moment. The seminars are organized on the show floor for maximum interaction between theory and practice. << Interested in visiting? Register online at www.econext.be via the "Free tour" button Location: Antwerp Expo, Hall 1, 2 & 3 Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - 10.00 - 18.00 Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 10.00h - 19.00h
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Balance of former Polysar looks impressive: fivefold increase capacity, 250 million investment 4 bi

(21/11) and Philips develop luminous Desso carpet
(11/12) The European Food Safety Agency: aspartame is safe More >> highlights
<industrie> 09/12/2013 14:58:28
ENGINEERINGNET.BE - The semi-annual survey of VBO shows that currently 53% of the sectors based on an improvement in economic activity in the next six months. That is, the employers' organization, "the best performance for the past seven years, buffet peter piper pizza with the exception of December 2010. But that's where the positive news on: for example, in employment expected a 10% improvement. 90% is divided equally between the status quo and a further decline. FEB: "Between 2007 and 2012, the majority does not appear in the private buffet peter piper pizza sector (+6900), but in the non-market sector (+163,500) to be created." As is known, the non-market sector buffet peter piper pizza redistributes the wealth generated. By the private sector buffet peter piper pizza With regard to such a small investment is 30% of the sectors of any improvement: the other hand, about half of would rather expect a stabilization. FEB: "Together with the utilization of production capacity that keeps scoring at a relatively low level does this suggest that the investments of the companies (and especially the expansion investments) will remain poor." Furthermore: "Our trade closes for five consecutive years in the red. We continue to lose market share compared to eg Germany and the Netherlands. "Only by focusing on the competitiveness of our businesses, buffet peter piper pizza we will be able to ensure that the economic recovery will not lose speed and the jobmotor strike back in the private sector," buffet peter piper pizza says Pieter Timmermans, managing director of the FEB. << (Bert Belmans) (photo: Engineeringnet)
Balance of former Polysar looks impressive: fivefold increase capacity, 250 million investment 4 billion pounds of rubber produced 120 million or rubber bales.
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Contribute to the mobility of the 21st century! SNCB subsidiary Blue-mobility searching for Flemish experimental Olympus driven Product Manager for attracting new business buffet peter piper pizza and research projects related to electric vehicles and Blue-bikes. Read more about it >>
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Monday, December 23, 2013

December 2013 SMTWTFS Dec 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

News Abroad (10) The Netherlands (8544) Business Crime Scene Crime Groningen Walk Events Group BV GPS Adventure Renting and Letting Youth Events Moorddiner News Awards Quest Colleagues Company Event Home Contact Event Planner High Profile Paul Essen Posts
December 2013 SMTWTFS Dec 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Tags corporate outing business trips abroad catering entertainment event agency event agency restaurants in dupont wa events coachable kids entertainment restaurants in dupont wa organizer organization office outdoor staff party staff parties teambuilding team outing rental BedrijfsfeestNieuws.nl The Legend of Jersey Boys does stir ... Twitter: Peevee
Category Event - easyFairs restaurants in dupont wa Netherlands BV easyFairs Netherlands BV is nominated in the category Purse Golden Giraffe, Live Communication Award 2013. The case 'Packaging Innovations' restaurants in dupont wa is one of the three contenders restaurants in dupont wa in this category nominated by the jury. Corne Lien Baijens, Manager Director Netherlands, explains that easyFairs Netherlands BV does and explains why they make great opportunity to award ...
01. Why do you think easyFairs Netherlands BV nominated for the Golden Giraffe? "Packaging Innovations is a new exhibition on the packaging market that focuses on innovation, design and materials for packaging. This scholarship is distinguished by the fact that there was a very specific admission policy for this scholarship. Only those who fit the profile were admitted as . visitor This resulted in a very kwalitative restaurants in dupont wa group of visitors, this is actually unnatural for a purse organizer:. normally go for quantity first and only then to quality, we have this reversed with this scholarship:. quality first "!
02. How do you have the nomination "celebrated"? "We are overwhelmed by the gold team at our booth baker. The whole team was quickly informed. Spot we were at the show congratulated the nomination with a bottle restaurants in dupont wa of champagne from Libéma, the owner of the Autotron restaurants in dupont wa in Rosmalen where baker took place. Much has twittered and telephoned ... The nomination will be further celebrated during and after the networking event at our other packaging fair EMPACK, which takes place next week. too, ample attention restaurants in dupont wa will be paid to our nomination! "
03. What does the nomination for easyFairs Netherlands BV? "This restaurants in dupont wa nomination is for us the jewel in our crown. We have a huge risk taken by Packaging Innovations to put down in a different way and see this definitely as a recognition restaurants in dupont wa as an innovative trade fair organizer. Course restaurants in dupont wa we will also use in our PR campaign "
04. What do you think of the other nominees in this category (Agricultural Engineering and Amsterdam RAI)? "I'm really looking forward to the discretion of the judges and the reasons for our nomination and the other nominees. It gives me great pleasure to see that three completely different scholarships are nominated. All three are tops in their field., I await with voltage which factors are decisive for the winner. "
05. Why do you think you will leave? Stage with the coveted image "Because Packaging Innovations truly innovative: an exhibition where the visitor center, where both the exhibitor restaurants in dupont wa and the visitor is placed in the cotton where innovation must be central not only to the exhibitor but also with us for organizer we want to continue to renew short. an innovative concept in a market which was really no room for a new packaging fair. "
06. What do you do when easyFairs winner comes out on top on April 15? "Last year was the Golden Giraffe already a party, but if we win then it goes off the roof! We will definitely be a large delegation present, but the day after the Golden Giraffe building our next exhibition., The real party begins the whole team will have to wait until after the show! "
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GG 2013 l easyFairs: "If we win comes off the roof!" buffet dinner brisbane | Eventbusiness.nl
In the run-up to the presentation of the Golden Giraffe Awards on April 15 in Taets Art & Event Park Amsterdam all 18 nominees will let themselves be heard on Events.nl. Category Event - easyFairs ... Read more ...
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

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highprofile.weblog is part of the digital platform highprofile.nl, portal events industry. This blog is maintained by a score of guest bloggers and managed by Barbara Baarsel, editor of internet highprofile.nl
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Photography> robertaarts.nl After months of preparation took place yesterday evening the ceremony for the Golden Giraffe, Live Communication Award 2013 instead. As many as 18 nominees in six different categories competed for the coveted awards and hoped the stage of Taets Art & Event Park with the gold statue to be allowed to leave. Over 700 guests a la carte meaning made an appearance and enjoyed the award show with the theme "is more fun live, Yowsah developed and implemented by the Production Shop. In a special and intimate setting, with literally a la carte meaning center stage, Bart Bosch presented the annual award ceremony at the live communications industry. Entirely devoted to 'live is fun "started the show with a challenging red button above the text:" Push the button to start to show. " And so ...
The most important of the evening were the awards, the glittering Golden Giraffes, which were six categories of live communications industry, issued under the watchful eye of the industry. With wet hands, and smartphones within a la carte meaning reach for the nice news to throw the world listened eagerly nominees to the written opinion of the jury, which was read by colleagues. Golden a la carte meaning Giraffe Purse In the category Fair competed easyFairs Netherlands, Agricultural Engineering and Amsterdam RAI for the title winner Golden Giraffe 2013. The jury finally chose easyFairs Netherlands with the case Innova Packaging Tons. Corne Lien Baijens easyFairs Netherlands: "Less is more and that is why we and went for quality not quantity a la carte meaning at the fair." Golden Giraffe Congress Synpact was as much as two high-profile cases nominated in the Congress and was in the final with NextNovelty. a la carte meaning The latter went off with the Golden Giraffe with the case Imagine 2012, Connecting the Dots, commissioned by Ricoh, who enthusiastically responded: "This is a very nice recognition for Ricoh. This case is the new Ricoh into the limelight. "Golden Giraffe in the category a la carte meaning Creative Creative was a neck-and-neck a la carte meaning race between Giellisen, Dechesne & Nauta peasant and event communications. The three events were found to excel in creativity, all but the relationship event 'D & B Rose: Pick Luck' by Dechesne & peasant region with honor and could show to a full house that the team is still working with passion and this after thirty years of experience still bearing fruit. Golden Giraffe Participation Participation in the category were the three bureaus Kubik, Van Straaten and MOVE in the grand finale. With the eyes of peers focused on them the liberating word was given: MOVE is the clear winner with the case Nintento Benelux during a la carte meaning First Look 2012. "The challenge was in the running speed in combination with the product experience. We emphasized during this part of our integrated approach to social and live, and that proved to be successful. "Golden Giraffe Effective The submitted cases in the category Effectively layers, as in most categories, far apart. Port of Rotterdam, a la carte meaning Night Work and Mood Concepts proved that an event ROI can be, or should be. Especially Mood Concepts able to identify the effectiveness of the event 'Campina Close' and knew it the Golden Giraffe Effective dragging inside. Corine van Berkel a la carte meaning of Mood Concepts: "We wanted a la carte meaning to monitor the authenticity and that was a challenge for such a big event, but we did it!" Golden Giraffe Social Responsibility

12/12 - Amsterdam has a subsidy for Euro 6 11/12 - Peter Brock (Mercedes-Benz):

Within days easyFairs Transport & Logistics opens the doors (Antwerp Xpo, 15-17 October). Thanks TRANSPORTMEDIA and Logistics Management magazine, you can visit the 9 th edition of this fair free.
To get your free ticket for Transportation & Logistics, you only need to click this link. Come during the fair way, visit us at the booth of TRANSPORTMEDIA (No. 1026), we look forward to seeing you! 11/10/2013
26/09 - SSI Schaefer is seeking new Sales Director Storage Systems (m / f) 19/09 - Jubilee Edition Supply Chain Award-Project of the Year 12/09 - large shelves of SSI Schaefer: lots of space within a small field 27/08 - Precast concrete grease cellars with screw connection 08/08 - TRANSPORT MEDIA looking büffett for "Account Manager"
11/12 - Mercedes Kalscheuer first Van ProCenter in Europe 10/12 - Jones Lang Lasalle: "Online retailers have in Belgium settle" 09/12 - Iveco Eurocargo gets Euro 6 engines 06/12 - Mercedes-Benz Sprinter gets four-wheel drive 04/12 - First in Netherlands: Beers Transport and Jan Moeijes do to "truck parts"
03/12 - Jungheinrich invests 40 million büffett euros in new German factory 02/12 - L-DOOR wins ASAP HR Award 28/11 - 10 Walloon companies signing Lean & Green program büffett 28/11 - Janssen Pharmaceutica drag Supply Chain Award 2013 the guard 27/11 - Skechers automates edc Milmort
21/03 - Long Term Test Fiat Ducato: the final report 21/03 - FAN XF105.510 Rijtest DAF EEV: Somewhere between büffett cocoon and flying carpet 20/02 - Volvo FH16-700 Globetrotter XL: One for the road 17/02 - Renault Kangoo ZE : surge 10/02 - Long Term Test Fiat Ducato 2.0 JTD 115 bhp
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12/12 - Amsterdam has a subsidy for Euro 6 11/12 - Peter Brock (Mercedes-Benz): "market rises by 25 percent next year" büffett 11/12 - Mercedes-Benz Belux new organizational forms 10/12 - Transics integrates FMS solution büffett in electric vehicles büffett 09/12 - Fuso Canter Eco Hybrid and Daimler FleetBoard win European sustainability prize
10/09 - Ford wins again International Van of the Year trophy 29/08 - Volkswagen Caddy BlueMotion to debut in Frankfurt 08/08 - Two new Sprinters Heijmans Infra - Van den Berg 07/08 - Registrations of July: drop across the line 29 / 07 - Mercedes-Benz is presenting two Belgian büffett premieres büffett Matexpo büffett
19/12 - Cargo Brussels Airport rising 19/12 - Volvo FH 16 Euro 6: appearance in the spring of 2014 19/12 - New GT Radial büffett for axle 19/12 - A logistics center for Ice-Watch in Bastogne 19 / 12 - DHL invests 150 million in Leipzig
With the Belgian initiative 'Fuel Duel', the new Actros Euro 6 to customers büffett and prospects committed with the intention to go to catch up in their fleet. The best fuel economy, the challenge Find out how the objective was achieved ...
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Friday, December 20, 2013

ECL, the trade fair for electrical engineering, communications and lighting, its 7 year, has gain

ECL, the trade fair for electrical engineering, communications and lighting, its 7 year, has gained recognition as systematically only independent trade sector in the meantime. With the Light Street and Innovation Boulevard appreciated some innovations were added to the 2012 edition of ECL. In order to test the market, on the further renewal of the exhibition concept umeko buffet easyFairs has decided to move into 2014. 2013 Edition
"The reform movement umeko buffet around the exhibition concept ECL was ushered umeko buffet in with the previous edition and requires an additional alignment with the market," said Michel De Maeyer, Managing Director of easyFairs Belgium. "The clear need for a national, independent technical exhibition here is the starting point."
HVAC2013, the trade fair for innovative technologies for energy, indoor and installation techniques reserves without prejudice to its place on the calendar on September 27 & 26 in Hall 4 of the Brussels Expo.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

On Sunday 10 and Monday, March 11, 2013 Autotron is again completely dominated by baker in 2013, th

Home News 64% of Loss ... Official introduction ... SME Fund financial ... Bouwhuis Enthoven ... Bio + and Thuisafgeha ... Newsletters In the Press About Innofood Meetings Talent4Food marienhöhe Technologiehal Branches Links Blog Press Contact Intranet
On Sunday 10 and Monday, March 11, 2013 Autotron is again completely dominated by baker in 2013, the trade fair for the entire bakery sector. During two days is the taste, smell and see new products centrally.
The first edition of the market do shake, one thing is for sure. Were the responses prior to the exhibition which was wavering and critical look at the innovative trade fair, the result everyone marienhöhe positive. There should be no doubt about it, a successful baker and answer the demand from the market for a well-organized and easily accessible exhibition. The first edition of baker in 2011 has surpassed all expectations and moreish. Harrie marienhöhe Leijten editor marienhöhe of World Bakker: "Fair organizer easyFairs in Rosmalen has proven that you can put in a simple way for visitors and exhibitors a very acceptable scholarship. marienhöhe A baker goes to a scholarship to stay informed of new products, new ideas and want to be inspired. An exhibitor wants to see his exhibition investment repaid in new contacts and strengthen marienhöhe existing relationships. marienhöhe Both Sunday and Monday it was in Autotron pressure. Staying away from the big names in the raw materials industry kept the (pastry) baker not to visit. Baker Exhibitors and visitors are satisfied. "Many of these types of reactions have ensured that the second marienhöhe edition of baker's ready for the market in 2013. Baker for exhibitors the opportunity to show what they have to offer. The modular stand is therefore really just the product key. easyFairs marienhöhe shows are accessible and that simply doing business central. Visitors can in a casual atmosphere maintain existing relationships, build new relationships and received detailed information about new features and developments in the industry. Do you want to be sure that your are part of a swirling exhibition for professionals, you should not miss baker 2013. For more information and registration: Aukje Bruers / aukje.bruers @ easyFairs.com / Phone 0162 408 980
19-12-2013 17:58 - 64% of the Dutch health has good intentions, but a third party, however, this full 19-12-2013 17:52 - Official launch Aviko Oerfriet during Horecava 19-12-2013 17:43 - SME Fund finances high technology engineering Bouman 19-12-2013 16:01 - 19-12-2013 14:47 Bouwhuis marienhöhe Enthoven marienhöhe supports Unicef - Bio + Home and Beyond Collected become friends Archives December 2013 Archives November 2013 Archives October 2013 Archives September 2013 Archives August 2013 Archives July 2013 Archives June 2013 Archive May 2013 Archive April 2013 Archives March 2013 February 2013 Archive Archive Archive January 2013 December 2012 Archive 2012 Archive 2011 Archive 2010 Archive 2009
News Herkemij CEO Michel Vion 10 years HAS Food Experience May: From arrests to year prices Pumps for producing marienhöhe aardbeie ... Cargill doubles production Manager Douwe Egberts director ... Unilever Food Banks and Eng ... Yogho Yogho denies deception with ... April 2013: From Jumbo food market ... June: From baby food to beer

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

iMinds: Flemings lusts not paying content warm buffet on their TV

(21/11) and Philips develop luminous Desso carpet
Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Netherlands Hall 7 t / m 11
Select the desired Province of Antwerp Brabant Wallon Brussels Hainaut Liège Limburg Luxembourg Namur Oost-Vlaanderen Vlaams-Brabant West-Vlaanderen
The exhibition SOLIDS 2013 offers 27 and 28 March insights to engineer the various processes warm buffet taking into account all aspects and parameters in terms of safety, environment and hygiene. To detect the pain points warm buffet of the industry warm buffet and to better understand, has fair organizer easyFairs SOLIDS 2013 run-up to the 'Big SOLIDS Benelux Survey' conducted. As many as 441 experts in companies active in the processing, transportation and storage of dry bulk materials or have completed the survey. The need for more information in the field of occupational safety and prevention was identified as a top priority, closely followed by process efficiency. These topics warm buffet are also discussed at length during the conference program. Atex Forum within the framework of occupational safety and prevention is mainly thought to the safety of the work and proper installation requirements warm buffet to improve safety. It can be concluded that the Atexreglementering still high on the agenda. There will be more deeply into the IECEx standards. This standard, which was originally only used for electrical installations, has become an international standard. Moreover, the IECEx standard will soon also include the ATEX 95 and 137 standards. The presentations of the 1st trading day, March 27, are completely dominated by an explosion-proof business environment. Process Engineering Conference Process efficiency is also prominent on the radar. The respondents are thinking of the optimization of unit operations. In this context, for example, also thought about the process, shortening changeover time and the acceleration of mixing processes. Moreover, this issue also covers warm buffet topics such as dust control (clean ability and environment) and energy (heat recovery and energy conservation). The Process Engineering Conference therefore warm buffet offers a lot of interesting material for engineering departments within the chemical, process and food industries. solidsLAB solidsLAB It creates a whole new experience on the show floor where visitors can learn in terms of unit operations, process efficiency and safety. using a demo room and consultancy corner in a highly interactive manner So do not miss. Free visits? SOLIDS 2013 will take place on 27 and 28 March 2013 Antwerp expo. Access to the exhibition warm buffet and seminars is free for professionals. Suffice to register online. warm buffet Moreover, professionals can easily prepare for their visit through the website. Each participating exhibitor offers a concise web page so visitors can see what each company has to offer them in advance. More information can be found at www.easyFairs.com / SOLIDS-BE. Location: Antwerp Expo Dates: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 10:00 to 18:00 Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 10:00 to 18:00
iMinds: Flemings lusts not paying content warm buffet on their TV
Cyber Security Plan approved Belgacom
Contribute to the mobility of the 21st century! SNCB subsidiary Blue-mobility warm buffet searching for Flemish experimental Olympus driven Product Manager for attracting new business and research projects related to electric vehicles and Blue-bikes. Read more about it >>
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Vacatech Career

Wim Brok: Less decibels, more experience 18/12/2013 New exploitation Outside Sparrendaal 18/12/2013

Platform and for the events industry search Newsletter Contact HOME | EVENT SUPPLIERS | COMPANY SETS | NEWS | EVENT JOBS | EVENTS.TV | EVENT FLASH | BUSINESS | ABOUT U.S. | BLOG
Wim Brok: Less decibels, more experience 18/12/2013 New exploitation Outside Sparrendaal 18/12/2013 Hilversum hairy maclary scattercat Events organizes Innovation Day 2013 18/12/2013 Visitors Congress extends very positive about Groningen 18/12/2013 CLC CLC benefits and convenience for members with Lyreco 18/12/2013 New book Arjan van Dijk, Ethiopia Footsteps in Dust and Gold, amazing and enriched 18/12/2013 Experiment: inspiring space for work, lunch, lounging 18-12 - 2013 Event Managers present their best practices of 2013 18/12/2013 Neptune builds Glass Restaurant Leeuwarden 18/12/2013 Event Organizer O 4 produces Amsterdam Light Festival hairy maclary scattercat 17-12-2013 news
After two years of close collaboration, Corne Lien Baijens, Managing Director at easyFairs, and Johan Seijbel, general manager at Van Geelen Stand Devices, a scribble put under contract participants and visitors of the easyFairs shows and events over the next three years, again provides for exclusive comfort . Van Geelen, the main supplier of easyFairs, will offer as in previous years, its furniture range on the stock exchange website. After two years of full satisfaction to have worked with Van Geelen together and hear from both exhibitors and visitors, the enthusiastic response we thought: why this time no contract for 3 years? We are very pleased with this partnership as it has been so far and with a lot of fun over the next three to meet year says Corne Lien Baijens. Van Geelen Stand Devices Van Geelen is a company that specializes in the rental within the exhibition industry. hairy maclary scattercat As the oldest company in this industry (since 1890) of Geelen know better than anyone what organizers and exhibitors need for their trade show or event. Van Geelen provides daily service at fairs in the Netherlands and abroad.
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Tommy Entertainment supports dance Moves 10-07-2013 Borchland and Taste Employing close culinary events deal 06-07-2013 Partnership Taets Art and Event Park and ACS audiovisual solutions 26-06-2013 Claus contracting the International Security Agency as a permanent partner 24 -06-2013 ATP Event Experts accommodates teams World Rowing Championship 2014 20-06-2013 New cooperation leads to a total approach to events 14-06-2013 BHV Expo Groep builds stadium Euro Hockey 2013 13-06-2013 Taste of Amsterdam and Intertent sign for another 3 years 12-06-2013 Amsterdam ArenA spreading hairy maclary scattercat its wings in China 12-06-2013 Beurs van Berlage starts cooperation with Meet & Workspace 05-06-2013 comments
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

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Next week will find it with the Golden Giraffe award winning packaging Packaging Innovations event instead. On Wednesday lichtenbergschule darmstadt 27 and Thursday, November 28th, 2013 is the beautiful location, Taets Art and Event Park in Zaandam the appropriate setting for the third edition of this annual event package.
The design Village returns on Packaging Innovations, but remains exclusive for creatives. They form an interesting offer for marketers, designers and brand managers. Together with the providers of packaging solutions Research from the last edition appeared that they were satisfied with the offer, but that particular cosmetic solutions were missed. There were quite a few providers exist, but it is intended that this sector this year will be better. lichtenbergschule darmstadt Represented
New is the Packaging Innovation Challenge for students, which focuses lichtenbergschule darmstadt on the synergy between designer, client and producer. "A brand is a packaging problem. It is up to the students, who do courses in various disciplines and to the packaging, to devise the best and most innovative solution to this problem and present design. This collaboration with major retailers is wanted, the students lichtenbergschule darmstadt engage in a course of a few months (which is part of the training) to work with the supply and demand sides. Two colleges have already confirmed their participation. The ultimate aim is that there will be at Packaging Innovations on Wednesday 27 and Thursday, November 28th, students are physically involved in the event, with the completion of their design. It will not be a presentation, lichtenbergschule darmstadt but rather a demo, says Van den Maagdenberg.
Following the successful first edition of the Innovation lichtenbergschule darmstadt Café, Packaging Innovations offers this year an additional stage for the latest innovations in packaging. On the show floor several novelties will be pitched to a jury. But not only the judgment of the jury counts, visitors may also participants lichtenbergschule darmstadt the shirt of the innovative body questions! While enjoying a snack and a drink determines together with the judges whom the prestigious Packaging Innovations Award in 2013 allowed to take home. Exhibitors participating in the pitch are Dee Dee Plastics, Smurfit Kappa, Naber Plastics, St. Luc Labels & Packaging, Bunzl, Crea, The Budelse and BooM Packaging.
Drinks Print processing Pharma Food Healthcare Innovation Magazine Marketing Non-Food Education Personal Care Technology Uncategorized Packaging Confectionery Most Read Smurfit Kappa introduces 3D Store Visualiser Tobias Reymond Photography wins Packaging Innovations Award Paper Boy, the first paper wine bottle in the U.S. Keynote speakers at Packaging Innovations New on Packaging Innovations: Open Innovation Relay
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Monday, December 16, 2013

Menu Home Region Antwerp Brabant East Flanders Limburg Events Upcoming hokkaido crab Events Manager

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easyFairs Belgium and G4S Event Solutions, a leader both in the events industry, will cooperate closer for better service and optimal hokkaido crab visitor experience. hokkaido crab easyFairs Belgium hokkaido crab is part of the Artexis Group and is a leading organizer of trade fairs and B2B events. Event Solutions as a division of G4S offers total solutions for all types of events in the field of security, reception and related services. Event Solutions has worked with easyFairs in terms of halbe surveillance. "In future we will also provide the access and hospitality," says manager Alain D'Haese hokkaido crab G4S Event Solutions.
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Vacatech Career

(21/11) and Philips develop luminous Desso carpet
Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Netherlands Hall 7 t / m 11
Select the desired Province of Antwerp Brabant Wallon Brussels Hainaut Liège Limburg Luxembourg Namur Oost-Vlaanderen Vlaams-Brabant West-Vlaanderen
"M + R Antwerp 2013 lets visitors sample 5 topkeukens from the process industry. Under this heading focuses easyFairs, the organizer of M + R Antwerp, on March 28, 2013 for interested special visit to one of the above companies. Visitors will have the opportunity to view. Process plant close Besides the visit also includes a brief technical information session on the program, a lunch and of course a visit to the exhibitors of the fair. The number of participants is limited. As of December definition a la carte 2012, visitors can subscribe through this R + M website. Seminar Program What the seminary program of the exhibition is concerned, it determined the visitors this time the topics of self. A new program is split into two levels: first, for persons with basic knowledge definition a la carte and a second advanced. The top 10 themes that will be discussed: ATEX in a process environment Flow Measurement Safety Integrity Level (SIL) State of affairs regarding protocols Level Measurement Foundations and Trends of measurement principles Automation of the measurement points Diagnostic Techniques for better preventive maintenance Basic concepts of physics and current measurement and control techniques Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) guidance M + R Antwerp is a one-day definition a la carte exhibition for measurement and control instrumentation in the process industries. These regional niche exhibition puts a diverse, current and complete list down of all products, technologies and innovations definition a la carte for measuring and controlling temperature, flow, pressure, viscosity, liquid level, ... In addition, M + R for the first time simultaneously with SOLIDS, the trade fair for powder, granule and bulk technology. Visitors can visit both fairs with registration. M + R Antwerp will take place on Thursday, March 28, 2013 in Antwerp expo from 10am. to 18pm. The next edition of M + R will take place in Ghent on Thursday, October 24, 2013. << (Photo: easyFairs) General Info: www.easyFairs.com / MR Antwerp
<< Message from the Editor: This is a notice sent, which may not be free from commercial influences. Responsibility for technical and other information supplied rests entirely with the supplier or manufacturer definition a la carte specified. >>
RS Components signs distribution agreement with Taiwan Semiconductor - Technique
Contribute to the mobility of the 21st century! SNCB subsidiary Blue-mobility searching for Flemish experimental Olympus driven Product Manager for attracting new business definition a la carte and research projects related to electric vehicles and Blue-bikes. Read more about it >>
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

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Mocon, an exhibition of Easyfairs, will take place on Wednesday 17 and Thursday, April 18th at the Brabanthallen 's-Hertogenbosch. On both days, visitors can expand their knowledge, find solutions and inspiration ...
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Saturday, December 14, 2013

The research develops and delivers himself intelligent sensors that collect data during transport a

The third edition of Packaging Innovations, the event for brand managers, marketers and designers, this time took place at a new location - the Taets Art and Event Park in Zaandam - and in a completely different surroundings. The event was again well attended. In addition to the exchange offer, there were several interesting lectures, such as TNO and TU Delft.
It was getting used to a new location, and stands golden corral prices for lunch buffet with artificial light were highlighted but the relaxed atmosphere, the high quality of the visitors and the excellent catering all contributed to the success of Packaging Innovations 2013.
Much interest was shown in the Packaging Innovations Challenge, golden corral prices for lunch buffet an open innovation relay for students who easyFairs this year for the first time organized in cooperation with the Dutch Association of Physicists Packaging (VNV). Students of the HAS, University of Twente, TU Delft, The Hague University Helicon and went to support teachers golden corral prices for lunch buffet and experienced packaging experts to work with a new salad packaging. "We golden corral prices for lunch buffet as a kind of relay open innovation challenge thought," said Michael Bouvy, easyFairs and CNS. "The students, VNV-ers and manufacturers come up with solutions for ready-to-eat meals with angles material, durability and convenience." The final agreement took place Thursday with the merging of all the ideas to various concept solutions.
And following the success of previous editions, Packaging Innovations offered again this year as a platform for the Innovation Cafe for pitching packaging innovations. As many as 14 pitches were judged this year by a qualified golden corral prices for lunch buffet audience and jury.
During Packaging Innovations various lectures were held which attracted many interested. Jan Willem mud Refuge TNO was for example the current issue food waste and smart solution that can provide for this problem. Packaging According mud Oord smart packaging solutions mainly realized by a chain-wide approach. "There is an intensive cooperation among retailers, logistics and packers."
TNO offers various food-saving solutions, such as marking technology for leak detection. This technique works on the basis of so-called oxydots (oxygen-sensitive, fluorescent material) that are fitted. On the inside of the package This can oxydots logistics golden corral prices for lunch buffet or retail employees, the amount of oxygen during transport and storage read with a laser pen. Decay in the chain can thus be easily detected. Colorimetric, verheidsindicatoren for fish or meat, is another solution that TNO offers and prematurely consumers warns against decay or turn the fish to eat on time. Consumers golden corral prices for lunch buffet
The research develops and delivers himself intelligent sensors that collect data during transport and storage. RIP print this smart labels using 3D technology and provides them with the appropriate sensor.
Mud Oord stressed finally that commitment of the partners in the value chain of the main food waste matters of crucial importance. "With collective knowledge we can come to some interesting business cases," he concludes.
Renee Weaver TU Delft presented at Packaging Innovations a different perspective on sustainable packaging with his research: Eco-efficient value creation: golden corral prices for lunch buffet An Alternative Perspective on Packaging and Sustainability. With sustainable packaging according Weaver life cycle analyzes often the proper method to compare. Packaging together However, one of the main purposes of (consumer) packaging is enticing consumers. Packaging golden corral prices for lunch buffet should be distinctive and offer added value. This kind of requirements are not found in the classical LCAs and often conflict with sustainability requirements. The added value of eg a resealable cap which provides ease of use for consumers, conflicts with the sustainability requirement to use. Minimize packaging Weaver: 'Minimising material use is sustainable packaging is often the only goal, leading to what one might call' the brown-paper-bag-dogma: the ideal packaging golden corral prices for lunch buffet is no packaging. This approach gets the package 'blame' is not consistent golden corral prices for lunch buffet with the business realities golden corral prices for lunch buffet where packaging is a differentiator and creates value.
Weaver developed a method for dealing with this kind of conflicting demands to go. For this he uses the eco-costs/value ratio (EVR), or the ratio between the degree to which a packing charge of the environment and the value or fair price of a package for the consumer. By placing with the x-and y-axis value of the eco-costs, respectively, and different packaging solutions in a diagram is quickly clear how packaging relative to each score.
Weaver has to test his model several packages golden corral prices for lunch buffet together yellowing elec

Surveillance, Security, Security firm, Object monitoring, static guarding, patrol, intervention aft

G4S Event Solutions and easyFairs prince court buffet will cooperate more closely for better visitor experience | Start Monitoring info news - Guard-Security - Security - Security firm
Surveillance, Security, Security firm, Object monitoring, static guarding, patrol, intervention after alarm, surveillance Gangway, prince court buffet Isps, Reception Services, Port Security, Industrial Monitoring, prince court buffet Management, Monitoring with dog, Guard on horseback, Exceptional transport
Welcome Home >> Start Monitoring - Security - Security firm - Private security - Security * SERIS SECURITY - MONITORING prince court buffet - TECHNOLOGY - SERVICES - CONSULTANCY prince court buffet - LOGISTICS * G4S - CASH SOLUTIONS * SECURITAS - SECURITAS DIRECT * Trigion SECURITY - Security Professionals
Event Solutions as a division of G4S offers total solutions for all types of events in the field of security, reception and related services. easyFairs is part of the Artexis Group and is a leading organizer of trade shows and events BtB. Event Solutions has worked with easyFairs in terms of halbe surveillance. Now two market leaders join forces for a closer prince court buffet cooperation exhibitor and visitor benefits.
Streamlined supply easyFairs did all appeal to G4S Event Solutions for monitoring exhibition halls and palaces. "As a subsidiary of G4S is our expertise in the field of security, of course, unparalleled," said Alain D'Haese, Manager Event Solutions. "In future we will also provide the access and hospitality. A streamlined range of services tailored perfectly. "People who Event Solutions commitment to welcome and access make a positive contribution to the image of the scholarships thanks prince court buffet to their professionalism, diplomacy and friendliness. Well hostmanship makes the difference from its site in Antwerp easyFairs Belgium organizes events for professionals. Faultless and safe home are crucial for optimal visitor experience. "We make every effort to ensure that simultaneously maximize ROI for exhibitors gives visitors an excellent experience," said Michel De Maeyer, Managing Director of easyFairs Belgium. The closer cooperation with G4S Event Solutions as SPOC (Single Point of Contact) for hospitality, security and access control procedures, streamlines prince court buffet and optimizes costs. "Thanks to excellent 'hostmanship' us apart from other players in the market and we provide a unique experience for exhibitors and visitors," concludes Michel De Maeyer.
NEW SECURITY 2013 Brabanthal Leuven Sturdy advance for Trigion in the Belgian security landscape Action Information Date: January 8, 2013 Tags: b2b events, purse, purses, Easy Fairs, Events, Events, G4S Categories: Facility Services, prince court buffet Financial transactions, appeared in the press Sector prince court buffet General news
Publicorner * G4S - CASH SOLUTIONS * SECURITAS - SECURITAS DIRECT * SERIS SECURITY - MONITORING - TECHNOLOGY - SERVICES - CONSULTANCY - LOGISTICS * Trigion SECURITY - Security Professionals Welcome >> prince court buffet Start Monitoring - Security - Security firm - Private security - Security
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