Media needs a quick and easy title issues. Their claims are valid purpose as well. There are always those who feel their rights have been violated. YLE The Consumer is King did last week, the TV Program candy are a story with a bag costs 0.10 euros. opera a la carte Consumer opera a la carte is King a small (really) the consumer's business. Safety and Chemicals Agency (!) Senior opera a la carte Sari Hemminki, said on television that the weight of the products sold on the price should reduce the proportion of a paper bag. The appeal of EUR 0.10 per bag seems like a pretty insignificant. The question is, of course, a fundamental and is related to consumer rights. Who controls them, if not the consumer himself? On the other hand you can ask whether such an issue to complain - if the 10-cent fee blush, it may bring along your own paper bag or use the fruit department of transparent opera a la carte ilmaispussia. Is EUR 0.10 per bag of real grievance, or does it let the fact that things are very well end up in Finland? Have we become useless complainers? Continuous communication is of two problems. First of all, the little things opera a la carte obscured by a sense of proportion. Ten cents a bag cost is negligible compared to the cost of the grocery shopping, to the dentist, or even a bonus cards so that customers opera a la carte can be paid hundreds of dollars a year overpay, which they then feel that they have "bonuses". The appellants has always existed, but now they are getting their voices heard in the media non-existent "news" threshold and through social media. Continuous appeal to foment discontent and negativity in all of us. Besides, I think that part of the price to replace the bag by putting a couple of extra candy after weighing. Not that either the police played. opera a la carte Little flexibility is needed on both sides. Other legendary appeal topics: why adults are permitted to buy children's portions, even if he has a medical certificate, opera a la carte and why the hell Dumle sweets bag is one kind of too little? PS. Here is the engineering aspect of the weight of a bag of sweets.
Since the gun would tare the scales easily programmable, so why not do. This should be the customer feel good. I do not see in any solution to the SPEED pantaisiin more after weighing. Two wrongs do not make a right. If you would be caught if you did, so be sure to be the case. Try the store checkout to pay 10 cents too little and you'll see how big the thing is 10 cents. There are more useless complaints, as the steak mince is not fully roast. At Evira destroyed the product. Obsoleted product contains more fat. Is this the food safety? 20 October 2013 19:16
It is hardly news that the scale that the paper bag! Oh, and why the bag should not be a separate price? It has all the same "product" features as buy bulk, among others. trade has had to buy it. As such, a funny remark however - not many people will not realize that each bag has a weight. 20 October 2013 21:07
The customer pays for the bag in any case, the price of the candy. Sorrow not, even if the buyer rather than the bonuses paper bag. Bonus overpay opera a la carte for everything and we have to pay many times more paper bags. 20 October 2013 21:31
It is why the fat percentage rose I do not know. Paistijauhelihoissa opera a la carte in general was 7%. Now, as a replacement of 10%. In addition, opera a la carte if the idea was to bring clarity to the names, so I do not see how it helps when you do not even know what to buy. The bag weighs, and of course, pay for, but in general, such will be charged the price of the package and it should depend on the product price per kg. I do not understand why this kind should not go dead if you have any other problems. Bonus cards I do not see a problem. Trade within the current structures are not my problem. I kinostaa the quantity, quality and price, and the fact that they correspond to those declared. S-card, I'll save about a hundred bucks a year, trade and bank bills. That's good enough for me. 21 October 2013 11:03
"S-card, I'll save about a hundred bucks a year, trade and banking bills," Why do you think that this "savings" come from? How to S-Card can provide true savings? 100 per year is worth a thousand bags of candy, so mathematically thinking it is worth paying a thousand times more time and attention. 21 October 2013 11:35
Peter: "Besides, I think that part of the price to replace the bag by putting a couple of extra candy after weighing. Not that either the police played. Little flexibility is needed opera a la carte on both sides." Believe it or not, but yes, but to be played! Apparently, Pick & Mix of the mouths of so much that the army is needed. I know a case where the younger crowd threw the sachet after weighing a couple of extra candy. Trade security guard saw the incident control the camera. The bag was weighed and it weighed opera a la carte about five grams of something more than what the note said. The customer explained that, "added a couple of candy, who still wanted to, but he forgot to weigh the bag again"
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