Friday, January 31, 2014

From this page you can access the page editing each point in order to modify the details, golden co

Presentation and new
Version 4 of the GIS abandoned in favor of Seller Mapstraction Leaflet. This library eliminates proprietary libraries while maintaining the same functionality, it even provides golden corral lunch buffet new features.
This new version of GIS allows the use of different base maps without loading external scripts, only local Leaflet scripts and plugins needed are loaded into your pages. To date, the plugin offers more than 25 different primers card. Most of these layers are based on data under a free license or Creative Commons. However, if you want it is still possible to use the Google layers [1] and the satellite layer Bing.
The update golden corral lunch buffet does not cause major break compatibility. Only a few parameters were removed from the model that handles the display of maps: control_zoom; control_pan; ajaxload. Installation and configuration
This page allows you to set the following options: coordinates and default zoom for use in cards; Primer map displayed by default and lists of available layers; Show address fields in the edit points forms; List GIS associable to object golden corral lunch buffet points. Using the private area
The plugin adds a block on pages elements SPIP private area. This block unfolds golden corral lunch buffet at mouseover. The links at the top of the folded block allow you to switch from one panel to another: Points related displays a list of items related to the current object with the ability to detach golden corral lunch buffet or remove each point; Search item displays a form for search for an existing item and link it to the current object; golden corral lunch buffet Linking a new item displays the edit point form to create a new one and attach it to the object.
From this page you can access the page editing each point in order to modify the details, golden corral lunch buffet the address golden corral lunch buffet fields or logo. Using the template to insert cards into your pages
You can also use the template golden corral lunch buffet provided by the plugin to display a map from the content golden corral lunch buffet of an article. To do this, simply add the code into the text of your article:
Warning: bug SPIP can cause unwanted behavior when using the model from the text of an article, section, etc.. Indeed, since version 3.0, SPIP automatically passes all environment settings to templates included in the text. This is a problem with models that contain optional parameters, which is the case of model GIS map.
Parameters of the model parameter values id_carte_gis / id_map unique id of the card (to define if several maps are displayed on the same page) lat = 48.3 latitude of the center of the map lon = -4.7 longitude of the center of the map zoom zoom = 5 map maxZoom = 13 maximum allowed zoom sw_lat, sw_lon, ne_lat, ne_lon point coordinates of the bounding box to display width = 100% width of the card, default 100% height = 400px height map, 400px default style = no do not styler zoom_molette Map / zoom_wheel = not disable the zoom with the mouse wheel active, default fullscreen = yes display a button to move the map in full screen control_type = not not show the change control layer control_type_collapsed = no display shift control layer folded (yes by default) no_control / aucun_controle = yes does not display controls map scale = yes show the scale of the map overview = yes display mini card situation limit = 500 max number of markers to display golden corral lunch buffet 500 objects default = gis type of display objects (json / gis_xx file that generates the data source) autocenterandzoom / centrer_auto = yes center and zoom the map automatically to display all markers kml = 12 KML overlay to the map (document_ID or URL) = 12 gpx GPX file to overlay the map (document_ID or URL) geojson = 12 GeoJSON file superimposed on the map (document_ID or URL) = non centrer_fichier can not focus the card automatically on kml files / gpx surperposés localize_visitor / localiser_visiteur = yes center golden corral lunch buffet the map on the position golden corral lunch buffet of the visitor golden corral lunch buffet (HTML5 geolocation API) id_a_ouvrir id_gis tooltip to display loading (marker only) dot = not if it is "not golden corral lunch buffet "This option will not display any items at all (useful for display only kml example) path_styles {color = # ARRAY, # fff} style options golden corral lunch buffet plots

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dear Philip There is another solution to the Expression Problem which I find easier to

Wouter Swierstra. Data Type a la Carte. Functional Pearl, accepted to Journal of functional programming. Presents the best solution to the Expression Problem that I've seen in Haskell (well, Haskell with -fglasgow-exts). There is one unfortunate feature. The instances of the injection function for subtypes are assymmetric: data (f :+: g) e = Inl (f e) | Inr (g e) class (Functor sub, Functor sup) => (:<:) sub sup where inj :: sub a -> sup a instance easyfare Functor f => (:<:) f f where inj = id instance (Functor f, Functor g) => (:<:) f (f :+: g) where inj = Inl instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, (: (:<:) f (g :+: h) where inj = Inr . inj It would be better to replace the left instance by one symmetric with the right: instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, (: (:<:) f (g :+: h) where inj = Inl . inj But Haskell, easyfare alas, cannot support this (even with -fglasgow-exts). Is there a symmetric solution in Haskell?
Wouter Swierstra writes (posted with permission): Regarding the question on your blog about "Data types a la carte": easyfare the reason its hard to get a symmetric definition of :<: is that the algorithm Haskell uses to infer which instance definition to use doesn't backtrack - it picks the first instance easyfare definition that fits and runs with it. As a result, writing a backtracking search easyfare on the type-level becomes a bit tricky. (I just saw an e-mail from Ryan Ingram on haskell-cafe that presents one solution.) There is a real penalty for this asymmetry, by the way. With the asymmetric definition in the paper, you can't group together certain signatures and combine these pieces into even larger signatures. For example: Add :<: (Val :+: Add :+: Sub :+: Mul :+: Div) is fine, but: Add :<: Val :+: (Add :+: Sub) :+: (Mul :+: Div) isn't.
Oleg Kiselyov sends an alterantive solution, developed independently easyfare of Ryan Ingram's (posted with permission): I'm including the code that solves the problem as described, although not in a nice way. On the bright side, no overlapping instances are required. How big the drawback of the solution easyfare is depends on the exactly problem: is your universe of primitive data types closed (or rarely extensible) or not. It is possible to greatly improve the solution; for example, our HList paper described how to define the total order on types (including type constructors). That makes deciding `subjugation' and arithmetical problem... We can also use the TypeEq predicates to compare any two types; alas that does require overlapping instances. Again, given more details I can improve the solution. The present solution, given all its obvious drawbacks, has one advantage: simplicity. Hopefully it shows the underlying ideas. Cheers, Oleg {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} {-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-} module Main where data (f :+: g) e = Inl (f e) | Inr (g e) deriving Show newtype HJust a = HJust a data HNothing a = HNothing -- We now define predicate, which, given two types f and g, return -- decides if f :<: g holds -- and if so, yields a witness class IsSub f g result | f g -> result where ginj :: result (f a -> g a) instance IsSub f f HJust where ginj = HJust id instance (IsSub f g b, IsSub' b f g h result) => IsSub f (g :+: h) result where ginj = ginj' (ginj :: b (f a -> g a)) class IsSub' b f g h result | b f g h -> result where ginj' :: b (f a -> g a) -> result (f a -> (g :+: h) a) instance IsSub' HJust f g h HJust where ginj' (HJust tr) = HJust (Inl . tr) instance (IsSub f h b, IsSub'' b f g h result) => IsSub' HNothing f g h result where ginj' _ = ginj'' (ginj :: b (f a -> h a)) class IsSub'' b f g h result | b f g h -> result easyfare where ginj'' :: b (f a -> h a) -> result (f a -> (g :+: h) a) instance IsSub'' HJust f g h HJust where ginj'' (HJust tr) = HJust (Inr . tr) instance IsSub'' HNothing f g h HNothing where ginj'' easyfare _ = HNothing {- not ok, but what I want to do instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, (: (:<:) f (g :+: h) where inj = Inl . inj instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, (: (:<:) f (g :+: h) where inj = Inr . inj -} test1 = let (HJust (tr::[Char]->[Char])) = ginj in tr "a" -- "a" data C a = C a deriving Show -- need to define the disequalities -- One may either use Template Haskell for that, or TypeEq from -- the HList paper instance IsSub [] Maybe HNothing easyfare where ginj = HNothing instance IsSub Maybe [] HNothing where ginj = HNothing instance IsSub C [] HNothing where ginj = HNothing instance IsSub [] C HNothing where ginj = HNothing easyfare instance IsSub C Maybe HNothing where ginj = HNothing instance IsSub Maybe C HNothing where ginj = HNothing type Sum1 = ([] :+: Maybe) type Sum2 = (Sum1 :+: C) type Sum3 = (C :+: Sum1) test2 = let (HJust (tr::[Char]->Sum2 Char)) = ginj in tr "a" -- Inl (Inl "a") test3 = let (HJust (tr::[Char]->Sum3 Char)) = ginj in tr "a" -- Inr (Inl "a") test4 = let (HJust (tr::Maybe Char->Sum3 Char)) = ginj in tr (Just 'a') -- Inr (Inr (Just 'a'))
Dear Philip There is another solution to the Expression Problem which I find easier to

The grid provides competence objectives in terms of knowledge such as defining what a product,

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Skills are listed in the grid in the order they appear in the course. youtube hairy maclary In addition, over the lessons and exercises the teacher reminds students that will be or has been seen reports of such jurisdiction. Beginning of the course, students who wish to spend a skill of their choice have ten minutes &

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Summary of Episode 1: Faidherbe-Chaligny, straddling the 11th and 12th arrondissement (rue du Faubo

Blog: Life in the Lab Category: Music News Politics Humour Literature Miscellaneous Description: Thoughts - I dare various word of a young scientist who obtained an academic valley view lobster buffet position at the University, after almost three years post-doctoral whose two in the wilds of Massachusetts. It's about science (a little), but above the "small world" of science. And also, among other things, food, literature, music, news, etc.. And my life, no less interesting than another. Share this blog Back to homepage
Culinary blog of a former colleague of prepa Blog literary Pierre valley view lobster buffet Assouline Site Kings of Metal Is it still present? To buy futures or beautiful bottles A fun expatriate (which no longer valley view lobster buffet post) Life in the lab, in bd A musician who plays his hands ... Tom Roud, popular science valley view lobster buffet and a computer neer Finally a blog Life as a physicist Prof. Science in the U.S. (version feminist) Become Lecturer, the saga with a happy ending football fans with a brain and humor, it is possible Controversy and education White people, valley view lobster buffet sores, etc. An unknown blogger I want to help you discover Me too, younger, I wanted to be a writer. And then I made a blog ... In the province as we eat and drink Profs cause Post-doc, USA, over-blog ... this is not me. Teaching, research, reflections: this is not me, it's better. Breviary Research Blog on research and education sup. in France. Interesting and (very) valley view lobster buffet dense.
Summary of Episode 1: Faidherbe-Chaligny, straddling the 11th and 12th arrondissement (rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine is the limit, the north being the 11th, 12th south) is in a somewhat inexplicable, the one of the corners of the city with the most "known" restaurants (and potentially interesting) per square meter.
Today, we turn to two other French restaurants, a bistro and a "semi-gastro".
Au Petit Panisse: 35 rue de Montreuil (web site). So this one, it's pretty fun. In short, this bistro has so little originality, or rather is such a motley assemblage of various identities, he ends up having so completely unexpected, its own personality, and my faith, rather pleasant.
Terrines rabbit or bull, a poached egg mushrooms, pumpkin cream chestnut, buffalo breaded input, wild boar sausage red cabbage, fried Italian tartare, tuna pesto gnocchi, octopus Galician spaetzle or even flat; based chestnut pie of the day or cheese for dessert. In addition to the map 1 or 2 day proposals that change regularly.
And here again, although such cards usually do fear the worst, everything we tasted in this gloubi-boulga is good, always a little something original or welcome.
The wine list also draws a little everywhere, valley view lobster buffet with large neoclassical (Richaud, Gramenon, all that), valley view lobster buffet noted some nice Corsican wines and not found everywhere. The coeffs not have seemed crazy to Paris, around 3.
The full menu is 32 at night, and the complete formula is 19 at lunch. The value is not bad at all, very friendly service and paid it off after a meal (a small chestnut liqueur, not very strong, fairly sweet, not bad).
Frankly, it's a bit under the radar in the district valley view lobster buffet compared to the bistro competition (even if it was foodingué in 2010 and 2012), but it's better than Plan B, despite the fear that inspired me this totally artificial side bistro "markete business school."
The Tintilou: 37 bis rue de Montreuil (yes, 100m from the previous, and Ravigote ...) website. The chef, JF Fox, has traveled around a lot, was starry 26 years in Paris, before moving to Portugal, then to return to the capital in Carte Blanche, and open the Tintilou in 2011. I had vaguely heard at the time (at least that is what I am sure since I live next door), and it appears in the Fooding and Michelin (bib gourmand, 1 covered). That said, my fellow bloggers gastronomic page seemed almost unaware of all this, it is not at the top of the cart addresses to know.
The place is quite informal mix of old (for home, old post I think) and modern "mat" (for furniture). This is not noticeable from the outside too, but it's really big (a lounge than a dozen people, one main room with thirty seats, a smaller one, and obviously last on the floor) .
Especially, the kitchen sets, and I quite agree, as a "signature cuisine", pretty imaginative and seasonal (limited choice) with a lot of world influences valley view lobster buffet and

Monday, January 27, 2014

Automakers (VP - VUL) Motor Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturers commercial vehicles own long

The Astra improves its engines ...
Automakers (VP - VUL) Motor Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturers commercial vehicles own long term rentals - Funding and Financing LLD landlords and distributors of clean vehicles Solutions Builders financing and rental two / three wheels Manufacturers fruit buffet electric two-wheelers Manufacturers scooters and motorcycles landlords, two distributors wheels short and medium-term rental
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Mobility - Car Alarms Alarms CCTV cameras Mapping Geolocation Navigation Equipment telephony Telephony and electronics Insurance - Prevention - Prevention Assistance Assistance Insurance Brokerage VO Remarketing
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You are responsible / fleet manager, general services or purchases services, this training will give you the keys to optimizing the operational and administrative management of the park automobile.Plus information
In a context of rising fuel prices, companies are required to better control this expense item that weighs heavily in the TCO. One way to achieve this: the fuel oil cards or supermarkets. With assets as providing services and flexibility. But also the possibility fruit buffet of competing providers. fruit buffet
From artisan to SMEs through major accounts: whatever the size of the company, controlling fuel consumption arises target both economically fruit buffet and ecologically. This explains the success of fuel cards to a wide audience of professionals.
First advantage of these cards, the possibility of obtaining lower than at the pump price. Most oil and give a discount on a price scale, it is the national average price in France station or to a variable market price as supply areas. Oil and then charge the lowest fare between the discounted price and the scale display pump prices on the day of the abduction. "For customers with a large fleet, purchasing a large volume gives room for negotiation," says Olivier Le Ruyet, marketing manager at BP fuel card Delek France.
With large areas, which already consider displaying the lowest prices at the pump, the logic is different: "At Leclerc, the price paid by the companies holding the Energeo map corresponds to the price at the pump, we can not apply a discount on an already lowest "price, says Thierry Forien, deputy director of the import company E.Leclerc (Siplec).
But anyway, the discount obtained is measured in a few cents that weigh heavily. fruit buffet "The fuel station is the second largest budget in the TCO of a vehicle, after the rent. Paying a few cents less per liter represents the final significant savings," says Julie Lacourcelle, Executive Assistant at Harmonie Medical Service Distributor of medical equipment.
But these special rates are not the only asset of fuel cards. Providers fruit buffet involved also highlight the flexibility of use, giving customers the ability to configure the cards according to their needs. "Businesses and communities are experiencing a lot of pressure to reduce operating costs. Benefit from preferential purchasing fruit buffet conditions of fuel not enough, we must also empower fruit buffet managers to better control fruit buffet their consumption," argues Sebastian Duez,

Sunday, January 26, 2014

All content Tim Challies, 2002-2014. I have now blogged for 3,741 consecutive days. Design by @bel

A La Carte (December 13) | Challies Dot Com
Articles Categories A La Carte Articles Book Reviews Christian Living Interviews Resources Topics homosexuality ministry work catholicism finances All Topics Book Reviews Reviews Latest Reviews By Category Popular Reviews All Reviews Recommendations teenies a la carte Let me help you find the best books on: Holiness Leadership Pornography Prayer Browse All About me About me Biography Books I've Written Contact Me Speaking Itinerary
December 13, 2013
Seven Messages in the Meals - Most of us have been on both sides of this one. To the family to whom we are giving a meal because they are going through a challenging time: When we hand you a dish with homemade lasagna and a salad kit, or spaghetti casserole, or a turkey hot dish, we re not merely saying be warm and well fed . Here are a few ideas we want you to understand and consider while you re sitting down to eat it.
How to Get People to Read the Bible Without Making Them Feel Dumb - From Trevin Wax: Stress the simplicity of the Bible, and the people you are hoping will read the Bible next year may begin to wonder if they re just too dumb to understand it. I wonder if, in our efforts to get people reading Scripture, we might be minimizing the tough parts, and unintentionally undercutting our people s sense of joy when they grow in biblical knowledge.
The Changing American Family - American households have never been more diverse, teenies a la carte more surprising, more baffling. In this special issue of Science Times, Natalie Angier takes stock of our changing definition of family.
Son of God - I don’t know anything about the Son of God movie (coming next year), but I do know it will be pushed hard in churches as a great evangelism opportunity. teenies a la carte See also this article by Brett McCracken as he writes about two more big Bible movies coming our way next year.
Weekend A La Carte (January 25)
4 days ago
A La Carte
A La Carte (January 17)
1 week ago
A La Carte
I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband to Aileen and a father to three young children. I worship and serve as a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario, and am a co-founder of Cruciform Press .
All content Tim Challies, 2002-2014. I have now blogged for 3,741 consecutive days. Design by @beltechi teenies a la carte

Use- The customer uses your product or benefits from your service in a way that increases their qual

Home Main Home Editor’s Pick Articles Interviews Blogs News Filter world red hot buffet manchester by Category Leadership world red hot buffet manchester Customer Experience world red hot buffet manchester Customer Loyalty world red hot buffet manchester Innovation Digital Marketing Sales Performance Service and Support Customer Analytics Social Business Voice of Customer Enterprise Technology Employee Engagement Customer Process Contact Center Top Authors Top Authors world red hot buffet manchester for Last Five Years Top Authors by Category Featured world red hot buffet manchester Resources Return to Content world red hot buffet manchester
Customers choose where to take their business based on a number of factors not all of which can be accounted for. In days gone by, it may have been sufficient to leave it at that. But now, a change in how companies are communicating with their prospects is sweeping through the business world. world red hot buffet manchester The change can be summed up in the idea of Customer Experience.
According to Wikipedia Customer Experience is “the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or services, over the duration of their relationship with that supplier. From awareness, discovery, attraction, interaction, purchase, world red hot buffet manchester use, cultivation and advocacy.”
It is not news that customer experience is what drives a company’s success, but what is new is the explicit effort on the part of smart marketers to engineer the customer experience, rather than allowing it to unfold somewhat randomly.
Designing your customer experience is a complex undertaking. It first means identifying your target customer and then articulating what kind of experience you’d like that customer to have. Then it is necessary to develop methods of creating world red hot buffet manchester that experience for your customers.
To begin conceptualizing the ideal customer experience; think about ways you’d like prospects to experience your company at different stages. Using a pared down list of the stages from the Wikipedia definition of customer, here’s an example of a first glance of the ideal customer experience.
Awareness- A prospect becomes aware of your product through word of mouth, seeing it in use by people he or she identifies with or desires to emulate. world red hot buffet manchester They gather world red hot buffet manchester information as they are ready to assimilate it on the internet and elsewhere. Your presence on the web and among the buying public is a positive one.
Interaction- A prospect interacts with your company by visiting the website and/or physical location, and by speaking world red hot buffet manchester to customers of yours who have become world red hot buffet manchester advocates. Their interactions are timely, targeted and leave the prospect feeling that they are dealing with someone they can trust.
Use- The customer uses your product or benefits from your service in a way that increases their quality of life. It performs as promised and meets or exceeds their expectations. They derive ongoing satisfaction as a result of having brought their business to you.
Advocacy- The customer’s satisfaction has been so complete in terms of product world red hot buffet manchester and service that they recommend world red hot buffet manchester your company. They are knowledgeable world red hot buffet manchester about your product and service and speak about it without reservation to friends, family, etc.
Engineering your customer experience is a significant undertaking and requires the bringing together of several different disciplines; disciplines that may be managed separately in your company. But developing the ideal customer world red hot buffet manchester experience and constructing the infrastructure to bring it to fruition need not be done overnight. There are some axioms that can be leaned on to begin an a la carte approach to delivering your prospects a better customer world red hot buffet manchester experience.
One such axiom is that prospects are happier the more quickly they are contacted. This evidenced by studies performed on lead close rates where leads contacted in under a minute of their online inquiry were 391% more likely to close . One reason for this is that reaching out to a prospect immediately enables a salesperson to speak to the prospect while they are still thinking about shopping for your product. Put another way, when reps reach out to prospects immediately they connect with the prospect while they still have the prospect hat on. Call them an hour later and they have removed their prospect hat. Call them an hour later and you may not be reaching a prospect as much as you’re reaching a mother trying to give her child dinner. At that point you’re not going to engender much good will; even though you are calling to give her information on a good or service that she requested. Even sales reps who are following all your rules of engagement, speaking politely, trying to be helpful are at a marked disadvantage when the timing is off.
Getting on the phone with prospects fast is a critical component to creating world red hot buffet manchester a positive customer experience. world red hot buffet manchester And it is a step that can be taken immediately, even in the absence of an overarching customer experience strategy.
LinkedIn: Recent Lessons Learned
1. Tricia world red hot buffet manchester Morris , Parature 2. Flavio Martins , Win the Customer! 3. Matt Heinz , Heinz Marketing Inc 4. Bob

Saturday, January 25, 2014

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Verslo žinioms jis sakė dar negavęs oficialaus dokumento, kad pagamintos produkcijos importas į Ba

Darome tam tikrus žingsnius, žiūrėsime, kuo viskas baigsis. Jei apribojimai įsigalios, tai mums turės neigiamų pasekmių, nes Baltarusijoje parduodame beatriz ferrer salat nemažus kiekius, šioje rinkoje beatriz ferrer salat dirbame daugiau nei dešimt metų , - sakė Vičiūnų grupės valdybos pirmininkas Visvaldas Matijošaitis.
Verslo žinioms jis sakė dar negavęs oficialaus dokumento, kad pagamintos produkcijos importas į Baltarusiją būtų apribotas, tačiau partnerių kaimyninėje valstybėje duomenimis, beatriz ferrer salat draudimai turėtų įsigalioti nuo gegužės 1 dienos.
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

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Elegantiški kambariai įrengti spetifiškai, tamsaus medžio baldais. Kiekviename kambaryje yra 32 colių plokščiaekranis TV ir DVD. Interneto ryšys ir balkonas su gultais cool compact įskaičiuotas kiekienam cool compact svečiui.
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Viešbutis (sudarytas iš atskirų namukų – bungalų) įsikūręs ant Laem Hin paplūdimio ramios kalvos, kambariai su oro kondicionieriais ir atskirais balkonais. Čia rasite puikius baseinus ir tradicines masažo paslaugas.
Viešbutis, esantis vos keli žingsniai nuo paplūdimio, yra taip pat tik 10 min. kelio pėsčiomis nuo miesto centro, parduotuvių bei restoranų. Šis kurortas kviečia nemokamai paplaukioti kateriu nuo prieplaukos į gyvenv

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

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Is a paradox that it is women themselves who embrace and so forståellsefulle against hokkaido buffet foster city the "peaceful" religion of Islam. This is going to be more of in this country, unfortunately, with you girls as promoters. Dre will continue to vote ap sv and girls .... rice to separate hokkaido buffet foster city the rear there is a ordatak called. good luck, hope that you do not Opplevelser hokkaido buffet foster city this and other crimes (read rape and harassment of infidel whores, because that is what you are to them) Reply Delete
Yes it is a paradox that it is largely women who embrace cultures and religions are most likely to oppress women, I do not understand themselves what they think. (I'm definitely not one of them) But while doing the press and politicians sitting to camouflage the truth, one must generally seek out information about how it really is, for Norwegian media feel great extent responsible for updating the people on this. One must not stigmatize, it is better to camouflage. Reply Delete
The woman is too complex to understand this. Protecting culture? Protecting what? The authors of this blog refers to other periodicals and raving up one picture of the world. Norway should NEVER be used as a mirror hokkaido buffet foster city to another culture, it's a waste of time. For about 1,000 years ago, perhaps, but now we are on a completely different planet where discrimination against women is almost non-existent. The Norwegian man has given in to her demands in almost all bauer and edges and now we call it "equal". Food gets you, clothes, hokkaido buffet foster city freedom to go out, be heard, voting, legal protection, etc. Can anyone then tell me what this Norwegian lill girl in budapest thought when she was deceived by a Chinaman!?!?!? Stan, african søramerikaner some Americans, Germans, Italians, etc. ALL have a different "culture" than your dream world dear blogger ... Reply Delete
I'm struggling a bit to understand what you really want to convey anonymous 24:56. The woman is too complex to understand? What? Food we? No we do not, we work and earn money as men, we have the same rights as men, it feels natural to me, I have the impression that it feels natural for the men I associate with daily and. Man learned to believe that all cultures are equal and that all people hokkaido buffet foster city are equal inside, in this country, is it surprising that many find themselves partners from other parts of the world? Otherwise, not China a country known for honor culture, although women also in China is worth less, which can be seen the dramatic results of their one-child policy causes a large majority of boys (girls aborted away or killed after birth, possibly adopted away) "Everyone" has a different culture say. Yes, that's fair enough, but why must so many of these cultures hate and oppress hokkaido buffet foster city women so greatly, it is because my question. My dream world is country and culture I grew up in that culture, I will preserve, and the most important thing to fight for, I believe. Reply Delete
I can only speak for myself, hokkaido buffet foster city but I consider all the girls who embrace these honorary cultures disturbed, possibly machosistiske. There must be some subconscious desire to submit here, but they may not feel that they are there with men from their own culture? My God, they can not do us all a favor and join the local SM club. Much safer, both for themselves, for us, and for future generations. When it comes to men who belong to this so-called honor culture, we see the obvious what these cruel, primitive traditions and way of life does to a man. It burns out all compassion, empathy and compassion. However, it's strange hokkaido buffet foster city phenomenon which I have often observed hokkaido buffet foster city when men from these cultures has been intervjuvet: They say that women themselves want to have it so - being oppressed, hokkaido buffet foster city beaten, etc. - it is the best for them. What does it tell? Well, that all humanity in these will be the monsters are not completely gone. There is still a small part of those who are hurting when they see other people being treated in that way. They are downright become schizophrenic. And Flagstaff is an idiot. And pervert (according to me). No one should give any attention to that kind. Reply Delete
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After some back and forth and check in as we were then on board Turkish Airways which then would tr

Not everyone knows, but in 2012 I was on hajj ilag with my lovely family =) .. Alhamdullilah, I e eternally grateful that Allah has given me the chance and opportunity to perform one of our five basic pillars of Islam. Now that I have been in Islam's most holy cities (Mecca and Medina) so I dream every day about going back. The experience and otmosfæren down there is just magical, luxe catering Mashallah .. This e something I begrudge every one Muslim to experience inshallah.
A little about what hajj really is: Hajj is a pilgrimage that is one of the Islamic five pillars, it will then sai they trosøylene that Muslims should participate in. As a believing luxe catering Muslim, one is required to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime , provided it possible for the economy and health. A pilgrimage is seen as an expression of obedience to Almighty Allah. After completing the pilgrimage so you get other title. Men are then referred to as el-Hajj, luxe catering and women Hadja.
To go on hajj was indescribable. Wallahi if you go down you will understand what I Maine. I will try to put it into words in this post and photos from the experience. I walked around with my camera everywhere. Seriously, I snapped and took pictures all the time. So enough with the memories I took jaffal with me again.
Since I live in Stavanger, so it's not that many mosque organizes pilgrimages. Will go on hajj then you have to write in a mosque which he takes with him a large group down. That's when this mosque arranging settlement, food and other things during the entire stay. My family joined us on the Somali mosque Tawfiiq located in Oslo. This was nothing bad choice. Was very nice people to go on tour with.
Our journey began early from Stavanger Airport Sola. We first had to fly to Oslo, get to meet the rest of the group from Tawfiiq there. If I remember correctly so should we light from Oslo in the decades 15 on a Sunday afternoon.
After some back and forth and check in as we were then on board Turkish Airways which then would transport us from oslo to Instanbul. When we arrived in Instanbul was so loooong wait for the next flight was to transport us to Saudi Arabia. We decided then to skjekke us into the hotel. Like when the airline paid for. But then there was the luxury's isje when we had to wait an hour or for two on visa and a bus that would take us to the hotel. When we finally got to the hotel was everything we are doing to take us long showers and makes us aware of something called ihram. luxe catering
During the pilgrimage should be put in a mental and ritual condition called Ihram. One should conduct a full ritual body wash, called ghusl. All men must carry the same simple white dress, consisting of sandals luxe catering and two white pieces of cloth, a piece wrapped about the body as a skirt and belted, and the second wound on the body. The uniform costume to express purity, fellowship, and unity regardless of social class. There are no similar rules for women's clothing. During the pilgrimage thereto luxe catering should comply with certain rules of personal hygiene luxe catering and other behavior. For example, it is forbidden to cut his hair and beard, use perfume and the like. One should not kill animals or picking plants from haram - the sacred area surrounding Mecca, and one is required sexual abstinence during this period. When preparations are carried luxe catering forward you say a prayer called talbiya - a statement that they are ready, "Here am I, O God, at your service."
When we had made ourselves ready and changed clothes, ate me some light at the hotel and waited downstairs in the lobby for the bus that would take us to the airport. The bus would pick us up at 5 o'clock came early morgningen. And we arrived luxe catering at the hotel the same evening well restored at 00:00 .. So in other words was no sleep. In the Istanbul airport there were many white-clad people at the airport, especially the street we should wait in. Mashallah all these people going to the same place. We should all perform hajj.
As we approached luxe catering saudia so we are required to read something so you actually get in the condition called ihram. Tawfiiqs imam, sh. Salah Ali was weather manager during hajj sojourn, notified the speaker that it was time to read the following: ..... When va me ready to perform our hajj then started to implement umrah first.
When one came to Saudia then we landed on an airport which was awarded only hajjbesøkende. This was when an airport where only flights with pilgrimerr country. I thought of course that there were very many white-clad people in Turkey, but when we got here subxanallah here was maange white-clad Muslims ready to do Hajj. Mashallah.
It was very nice here at this "airport", but it was VERY hot. Subxanallah. We were meet by a real heat wave. Here we were sitting a while. We are waiting for the bus which then would drive us to our hotel in Mecca. When the bus finally arrived we were divided into two buses. Family and single .. There were a lot of young boys and older men who came on Hajj alone

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

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Islam Finder Norway is published by World Islamic Mission as a sequel of Norway's first Muslim Smartphone application, WimOnAndroid, now targeting iPhone users. The application is tailored for Muslims in Norway and offers a range of features that will make your life as a practicing Muslim easier. With Islam Finder you which include: * Full overview and info about all the mosques in Norway * Access to Jumu'ah and jama'ah times for many mosques * Hijri Calendar * Current information on important Islamic events * Summary of beans all year round, wherever you are * The ability to set notifications for both salah and jama'ah in your local mosque * Overview of Muslim services in Norway * compass Qibla direction * Access important dua Download the app and keep up to date on what is happening in the Muslim community in Norway. Application is developed in consultation with key players in Islam-Norway, including the Islamic Council of Norway (IRN), various mosques and Al-Khidmat funeral. Under development: * Zakat Calculator * infomation about the last Muslim deaths in Norway, including information about the time and place of the salad-ul-Janaza etc. Do you have suggestions for new features or improvements, send us those on Publisher: World Islamic Mission Address: Åkebergveien 28B, 0650 Oslo Tel: 22682708 e-mail: web: Developer: e-mail: web: www.apptek . com Tags: islam finder, islamkfinnder, wwwislamfinder islam finder, исламфиндер.
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In August of 2008, five women were buried alive for

- It is one of the last great taboos: the murder of at least 20,000 women a year in "honor" name. Nor is the problem confined to the Middle East: the contagion is spreading rapidly, writes Robert Fisk in The Independent, that ten months have investigated so-called honor killings in Jordan, Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank.
- It is a tragedy, a horror, a crime against humanity continues Fish. The details of the murders - of the women beheaded, burned to death, stoned to death, strangled and killed by electric shock - are as barbaric as they are shameful. Many women's breakfast buffet vancouver groups in the Middle East and south-west Asia suspect the victims are at least four times as many as the UN's latest figures of 5,000 deaths a year. Most of the victims are young, many are teenagers, breakfast buffet vancouver slaughtered under a vile tradition that goes back hundreds of years but which now spans over half of the globe, to clearly furious breakfast buffet vancouver Fish:
Iraqi Kurds, Palestinians in Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey appear to be the worst culprits, but freedom of the press in these countries may over compensate for the silence that surrounds "honor" killings in Egypt - which false claim that there is no - and other mellomøstlige nations breakfast buffet vancouver in the Persian Gulf and the Levant. But honor crimes have long since spread to Britain, Belgium, Russia and Canada and many other nations. Security authorities and courts across breakfast buffet vancouver much of the Middle East reduces or abolishes regular prison sentences for families murder of women, often by classifying it as suicide to avoid prosecution.
It's hard not to react emotionally to the vast and detailed catalog of these crimes. How should one react to a man - this has happened in both Jordan and Egypt - who rapes his own daughter and then, when she becomes pregnant, kills her to save his family's "honor"? Or a Turkish father and grandfather of a 16-year-old girl, Medine Mehmi, in the province of Adiyaman, who was buried alive in the chicken coop in February because she had been "too good friends with the guys"? Her body was found 40 days later, in a sitting position and hands tied together, writes Fish on, and continues:
- Or Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, 13, who in Somalia in 2008, in front of a thousand people, was dragged to a hole in the ground - all the while screaming "I'm not going ... - do not kill me" - then buried up to her neck and stoned by 50 men for adultery? After 10 minutes, she was dug up, proved breakfast buffet vancouver to be still alive and put back in the hole for further stoning. Her crime? She had been raped by three men, and her family breakfast buffet vancouver met a fatal decision to report it to al Shabab militia that rules Kismayo. Or the Islamic al Shabab "judge" in the same country, who in 2009 sentenced a woman to be stoned to death - the second that year - to have had an affair? Her boyfriend got only 100 lashes.
Or the young woman found in a drainage ditch near Daharki in Pakistan, "honor killing" by her family when she gave birth to her second child, her nose, ears and lips were cut off before she was beaten to death with an ax, her first child lying dead among her clothes, her newborn's torso still in the womb, his head already emerging from her body. She was gone in a strong decay, and the local police were asked to bury her. Women carried the three to the grave, but a Muslim imam refused to say prayers for her because it was "irreligiøst" to participate in the namaz-e-Janaza prayers "a cursed woman and her illegitimate children".
But reading these acts - and the names of the victims, when we are relaxed to discover them - be forgotten, here are the sufferings of a mere handful of women over the past decade, selected at random, country by country, crime after crime.
Last March, Munawar Gul shot and killed his 20-year-old sister, Saanga, in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan, along with the one he Suspected was having "illicit relations" with her, Aslam Khan.
In August of 2008, five women were buried alive for "honor crimes" in Baluchistan by armed tribesmen; three of them - Hameeda, Raheem and Fauzia - were teenagers who, after being beaten and shot, were thrown still alive into a ditch where they were covered with stones and earth. When the two older women, aged 45 and 38, protested, they Suffered the same fate. The three younger women had tried two choose their own husbands. In the Pakistani parliament, the MP Israrullah Zehri Referred to the murders as part of a "centuries-old tradition" which he would "continue two defendable".
In December 2003, a 23-year-old woman in Multan, Identified only as Afsheen, was murder

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GREAT SORROW: Nourish prrende bar today coffin of slain trebarnsfaren Mohammed sizzler buffet prices Javed out of the mosque in kebergveien. (The men on the image is as far as Dagbladet knows no relation to criminal environments).
( Around 150 people participated today on a Muslim commemoration (Namaz Janaza) for the killing trebarnsfaren Jeddi Mohammed Javed (28), Central Jam-e-Mosque, sizzler buffet prices World Islamic Mission in Oslo kebergveien . Grt and hugged Javed should be interred sizzler buffet prices in Pakistan, but friends who are not able to be there with the chance to take a last farewell to 28-ring in oslomoskeen. Buddies who were his very closest to the, embraced today Javed family members who had mtt up, and no one could n hide on their emotions. The 14-time was deceased coffin bret the mosque surrounded by the large flget srgende. Inside the fullstatte venue was the Norwegian-Pakistani men with bowed head on row two floors while the imam read the brief praying for the deceased last journey. Many wept. After Namaz Janaza was bret lead out to a waiting car from an undertaker. It drove in the afternoon to Oslo with a motorcade with srgende. - There are many who are going to take the same plane that has the coffin on board to Pakistan tomorrow, tell a friend sizzler buffet prices to Nkkelvitne (29) goodbyes A large proportion of friends who today were present known figures in environments around the criminal gang Young Guns. Among them was the 29-year-old gang leader who escaped skytedramet p Haugerud and n is a police nkkelvitner. Also he can must have been a target for shooting. - It goes without saying that I've had better days, said the highly burdened man outside the mosque in the afternoon. He wants Currently The not go onto the details of the horrifying murder, then he probably sat inches sizzler buffet prices from Jeddi as shots were fired inside the car. Police held the new heads with the commemoration of multiple devices, but with only n uniformed police standing outside the mosque, which is located across the street for police and prison sizzler buffet prices p Grnland. Shot and left in a burning car Mohammed Javed, who was considered one of the principal leaders of the Young Guns were in the 19 o'clock Monday found shot dead in a burning car on a parking Haugerudveien in Oslo. Southerly mten perpetrator forskte erase their traces p, has troubled sizzler buffet prices many Young Guns members. - It is the worst mten, no one should had to end life on that way, says a gang member to Barely three hours later was murder and ransdmte Stig Mill Haugen (39) pgrep for the murder, on the halfway house where he gjennomfrte what would VRT end of his sentence a former jail time. Mill Haugen sizzler buffet prices (which changed its name to Bergquist last year) denies murder and suggested the fengslingsmtet in Oslo District Court igr that he is the victim of a conspiracy. - You guys in the media m pursuit he derre [NN]! (29-ring survived, sizzler buffet prices ed.'s Note). It is he who sits on the truth, cried Mill Haugen told reporters in court. Police sources, however, claims towards sizzler buffet prices that homicide detectives sitting on substantial evidence against the accused sizzler buffet prices in addition to the aforementioned 29-ring vitneml. THE CASE Young Guns members has been in contact with over the past two days, the immediate anger and frustration n calmed somewhat. While setting on Monday and Tuesday was that those responsible should be killed immediately, many n-set on the police to f at any time to loose the murder case. However, many still believe that Mill Haugen not utfrte murder on own iniative, and that it may involve sizzler buffet prices a form for ordering killings against Jeddi, who had many potential enemies sizzler buffet prices in the B-gang and other criminal environments. In daggikk Ghulam Abbas (32), a putative central figure in Beagle Boys, through Dagbladet and made it clear that he has offered some dusr for killing p Young Guns top.
Mora m 8 ri prison for the kidnapping of Shannon (9) Brdrene wept and prayed a final prayer for Jeddi (28) If p's last day ilrerpraksisen Laws give up nuclear program Islands Prime Minister have cancer,
- We have s far not found anything Read more
But the foreign minister did not Gehr. Read more

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Gjøvik Uyghur yili jamaiti 2009-7-17-wood engraver ayning saet 14:00 17:00 giche din Gjøvikning she

Gjøvik Uyghur yili jamaiti 2009-7-17-wood engraver ayning saet 14:00 17:00 giche din Gjøvikning sheher merkizide mustemlikichi xitay not kimiyitining Sherqiy Türkistanda élip bérwatqan qanliq qirghinchiliqlirini yerliklerge teshwiq janaza sms qilish we xitay not kimiyitining bodies may yoqutushigha Qarshi Imza toplash we uyghurlar toghrisida melumat bérish pa'aliyiti élip Bardi. Bu Kinki engraver namizida Gjøvik meschit imamining bashchiliqida janaza sms 2-qétim Sherqi türkistanda qurban bolghan shéhitlerning namizi oquldi janaza. Norwégiye Uyghur yili komitéti 2009-17-iyul
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Another proof of its virtue is that he (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to stay up at night

The useful knowledge Salam aleikom, maalaissalaatti This page will Insha Allah convey knowledge about Islam as the righteous predecessors, the Salaf understood it. If you have any questions, please contact:
One of the things that is special about these last 10 days is that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) worked harder in worship in them more than any other time. It is narrated in Muslim by Aisha (Radia Allahu anha) that the Prophet used to exert himself in these last 10 days more than any other time. Aisha (Radia Allahu anha) said: "When maalaissalaatti the last ten days came, he used to" tighten his izar "and he spent the whole night in worship and he woke up his wives (for worship)." (Bukhari and Muslim ).
The Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to combine prayer and sleep in the first 20 nights, but in the last 10 he would be prepared to work hard and "tighten maalaissalaatti his izar" (ie stay away from his wives).
In these Ahadeeth is proof of the virtues of these last ten nights. The evidence was that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) worked harder than usual in his worship. And he used to combine between prayer, recitation of the Quran, do dhikr, giving charity, and other types of worship. He also used to "tighten his izar" which means that he used to keep away from his wives to free themselves for prayer and dhikr.
Another proof of its virtue is that he (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to stay up at night in prayer, recitation of the Quran, making dhikr with his heart, tongue and limbs. This was because of the greatness of those nights. And he (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) sought reward in Laylatul-Qadr, the night where those who worship in it, with Iman (faith) and seeking reward, will be forgiven all his previous sins.
What is clear from these Ahadeeth is that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to make different types of worship on those nights, recitation of the Qur'an, prayer, and also eat Suhoor, etc. So there is no contradiction between this and Hadith maalaissalaatti which is narrated in Sahih Muslim maalaissalaatti by Aisha (Radia Allahu Anha) in which she said: "I have never seen him (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) pray all night until the morning."
Another proof of the virtues of these networks is that he used to wake up his wives to do worships them, because they were in the presence of a unique opportunity. So it is totally unacceptable for a sane Muslim to let this great opportunity pass, either for himself or his family, because we are talking about only a few nights. It may happen that a person will be happy in this life and the next just because of this one night. maalaissalaatti
Indeed, among the huge corruptions and loss is that you see some Muslims are wasting their time on useless things on this precious night. maalaissalaatti And when it's time to pray, they sleep. maalaissalaatti They've missed a lot of good, and there is no guarantee that they will get this opportunity again. This is from the Shaytaan's tricks. A sane person would not take Shaytaan as an ally, knowing how much Shaytaan hates us. This goes against logic and Iman.
Of the special properties of this month is that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi maalaissalaatti wa-sallam) used to do itikaf it. Itikaf is to stay in the mosque to liberate one's time to worship Allah. This is a confirmed Sunnah in both the Quran and Hadith. Allah says: "And they shall complete the fast till evening and have no dealings with women, as you do itikaaf in the mosques." 2:187.
And the Prophet (Salla maalaissalaatti Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) did itikaaf and his companions followed him in there. maalaissalaatti The Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) said: "I did itikaaf in the first 10 days of Ramadan looking for this night (Laylatul-Qadr), then the middle 10, so I was told that it is the last 10 So whoever wants to do itikaaf, let him do it. "(Muslim).
It is narrated in Bukhari and Muslim maalaissalaatti by Aisha (Radia Allahu Anha) that she said: "The Prophet did itikaaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan till he died. Then his wives did itikaaf after him. "
Aisha (Radia Allahu anha) said: "When the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) wanted to do itikaaf, he would pray Fajr, then he went into the place he was going to do itikaaf in. So Aisha asked for permission to enter and he gave her permission to enter, and she set up a tent to live in. Then asked Hafsa (Radia Allahu Anha) Aisha to ask permission for her to come in, and when she got there she sat also a tent. When Zainab (Radia Allahu anha) saw this, she did the same. So when the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) saw these tents, he said: "What is this?" They said: "They were put up for Aisha and Hafsa and Zainab." He said, 'Was it integrity they sought by this? Take them down so I do not see them. "So they were taken down, and he forl

Saturday, January 18, 2014

In Lahore, there was a cardiologist, one of the foremost and leading surgeons in Pakistan. reimink

Man (insan) life is like a journey (safar) and this life (dunya) is like a waiting room. We humans are constantly traveling. reimink If we are eating, drinking, talking, sleeping, working or whatever we do, we are in a state of journey. reimink What does it mean? That we approach our destination. Every day that passes, we get closer to our destination.
إن الله عنده علم الساعة وينزل الغيث ويعلم ما في الأرحام وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت إن الله عليم خبير Allah alone knows the hour. He sends down the rain. He knows what is in the womb. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. No one knows in what land he will die. Allah is the Knower, the Aware.
When you sit in a plane that is on its way to its destination, you will notice that the people in the plane either sitting reimink and talking together, reading books, sitting reimink and watching a movie or sleeping. However, all of them have one thing in common, that those on the go. Whatever makes them the plane, which is on its way to its destination. Just the same way we humans are in the plane of dunya, and we are on our way to our final destination. Every day that passes, we get closer to our destination. As close as we were yesterday, we are even closer now. And, as closer as we are today, in the next few days we come even closer to our destination. However, when the destination reimink comes, man (insan) will be taken away from this world. It is therefore our responsibility that until that day comes, we are prepared. The fact that we are too busy with this life (dunya) is our own fault and causes that we fail to prepare ourselves before our time comes.
When we are traveling by air, we always have your boarding pass ready when we are in the transit area of the airport. We often see that people be extra careful with their luggage. People reimink know that even with it being announced which gate the plane to take off from, so start no board immediately. reimink It has never happened that people just before board starts, it opens up the already packed your bags and start reading the newspaper, no. In fact, people never touches the luggage is packed. Why? because the passenger knows that advertising can happen anytime and he must be ready to go.
We are the people, which in our hands has already been boarding card for Mawt (death), but the flight time is different for all of us. Some his plane will go today, its second aircraft will go tomorrow, and some its aircraft going over tomorrow. That's the only difference, but exactly when the announcement will happen, nobody knows.
We have seen that the airports will be announced well in advance when the time at flight departure reimink will happen, and even then people know them have some time off. However, sometimes it happens that the plane is delayed and when it was announced that now the plane take off anytime. Then arises a Ajiba (strange) situation. We see that people even choose to go to the bathroom because no board can happen anytime. No one goes to the cafe to grab a cup of coffee or take a little shopping spree at the airport. Everyone says, "the plane can take off anytime and then we clear?".
If Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reimink will, then he can give human death right before the eyes of doctors. And if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will, he can revive the man from the lists of the dead in a freezer reimink where equal kept for autopsy.
In Lahore, there was a cardiologist, one of the foremost and leading surgeons in Pakistan. reimink Once there was an elderly man to him to take a health check to get checked cholesterol level, reimink blood pressure etc. After the doctor had looked through all the reports of this man, so he said: "Your heart is functioning as good as that of a young man. " When the older man smiled and said: "At the heart of my work as a youth's reimink amazing." The doctor gave him then report that this man took out the doctor's office, but the man entered the door, he had cardiac arrest and died instantly.
A cardiologist provides diagnosis: "The heart is healthy as a youth," but little did this doctor that the man whom he diagnosed, would die in the next moment. Allah subhanahu wa 'tala killed this man in front of the islands of the country's leading reimink heart specialist. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shows insan (human) through such events that death can come at any time and anywhere. كل نفس ذآئقة الموت Each and every human being will taste death
And if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reimink will, he can also give life back to those who had already been registered recently deceased. reimink At a hospital in Asia, there was a man whose job was to make a general review of the entire hospital. When some patients died or there was an investigation case on time, it was routine to keep the deceased in a freezer overnight autopsy. It was always made clear its own list of recently deceased patients. Sometimes the list of 2 people

- Queer minority youth are forced into heterosexual marriages Nearly 6,000 deported from Norway las

Norwegian-Pakistani fearless took hold of the pen and began to write for the Call in 2006 after our paper received a well-written and solid commentary from him. His column, Say it in Norwegian, was published every other number, and was proof that freedom of expression and social criticism goes all ways, even beyond the majority community.
Qureshi dedicated his life to fighting for the multicultural Norway. In 1985, he along with several enthusiasts, including ex-finance minister shakeys buffet and former Socialist Left Party leader Kristin Halvorsen, one of the founders SOS Racism.
- Nasuhad was a very knowledgeable person in the field of migration both to child welfare field. He was fearless and spoke freely and courageously about important social issues over a long period.
- He was among the first immigrant who was elected to the Oslo City Council in 1983. In addition, he was one of the first immigrant who was trained as a social worker. He has written several books and contributed professionally for many years, says Ali
Qureshi will be buried on Friday. Earlier in the day, there should shakeys buffet be a memorial service in Eastern chapel before the usual namaz-e-Janaza (traditional Islamic funeral prayer) and lowering of the coffin at the Old City Cemetery. Later in the afternoon, one should spend time on Mount Olympus restaurant in his memory.
- Queer minority youth are forced into heterosexual marriages Nearly 6,000 deported from Norway last year continued low turnout among immigrants Four years of parenting violence Disagreement about FRP is racist Gay peak in 2014 with three multicultural - "Congo village" is reprehensible Focus on International 17 May celebration Kristiansand municipality shakeys buffet receives refugee Servant less than Norwegians National resource centers met Horne Fewer cases of migration after 22 July Will start the revolution against Hamas from Lillehammer Immigrant pupils concerned teacher dropout Thus she spoke in hijab - We did a miss
09.01.2014 1:00 p.m. worth celebrating
16.04.2013 9:51
Call newspaper comes out every two weeks and contains unique news, current affairs, stories, articles, etc. portraits shakeys buffet of ethnic minorities that you will not find elsewhere. Call inspires, provokes, enlightens, trained and sets the agenda. Take this opportunity to follow shakeys buffet Call from the beginning of its historical development as Norway's first multicultural newspaper. Read more
Editor: shakeys buffet Are Vogt Moum Phone 22 04 14 60/950 shakeys buffet 22 385 Call AS, PO Box 8962, Young, 0028 Oslo All content is protected by copyright. Cookie on
Call works in line with the rules of good press as embodied in the Code of Ethics and the Editor. He who believes himself suffered unjustly newspaper coverage may petition the Press Council, Box 46 Sentrum, 0101 Oslo. Telephone number 22 40 50 40, fax 50 55 22:40

Friday, January 17, 2014

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