Sunday, January 19, 2014

Another proof of its virtue is that he (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to stay up at night

The useful knowledge Salam aleikom, maalaissalaatti This page will Insha Allah convey knowledge about Islam as the righteous predecessors, the Salaf understood it. If you have any questions, please contact:
One of the things that is special about these last 10 days is that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) worked harder in worship in them more than any other time. It is narrated in Muslim by Aisha (Radia Allahu anha) that the Prophet used to exert himself in these last 10 days more than any other time. Aisha (Radia Allahu anha) said: "When maalaissalaatti the last ten days came, he used to" tighten his izar "and he spent the whole night in worship and he woke up his wives (for worship)." (Bukhari and Muslim ).
The Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to combine prayer and sleep in the first 20 nights, but in the last 10 he would be prepared to work hard and "tighten maalaissalaatti his izar" (ie stay away from his wives).
In these Ahadeeth is proof of the virtues of these last ten nights. The evidence was that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) worked harder than usual in his worship. And he used to combine between prayer, recitation of the Quran, do dhikr, giving charity, and other types of worship. He also used to "tighten his izar" which means that he used to keep away from his wives to free themselves for prayer and dhikr.
Another proof of its virtue is that he (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to stay up at night in prayer, recitation of the Quran, making dhikr with his heart, tongue and limbs. This was because of the greatness of those nights. And he (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) sought reward in Laylatul-Qadr, the night where those who worship in it, with Iman (faith) and seeking reward, will be forgiven all his previous sins.
What is clear from these Ahadeeth is that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) used to make different types of worship on those nights, recitation of the Qur'an, prayer, and also eat Suhoor, etc. So there is no contradiction between this and Hadith maalaissalaatti which is narrated in Sahih Muslim maalaissalaatti by Aisha (Radia Allahu Anha) in which she said: "I have never seen him (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) pray all night until the morning."
Another proof of the virtues of these networks is that he used to wake up his wives to do worships them, because they were in the presence of a unique opportunity. So it is totally unacceptable for a sane Muslim to let this great opportunity pass, either for himself or his family, because we are talking about only a few nights. It may happen that a person will be happy in this life and the next just because of this one night. maalaissalaatti
Indeed, among the huge corruptions and loss is that you see some Muslims are wasting their time on useless things on this precious night. maalaissalaatti And when it's time to pray, they sleep. maalaissalaatti They've missed a lot of good, and there is no guarantee that they will get this opportunity again. This is from the Shaytaan's tricks. A sane person would not take Shaytaan as an ally, knowing how much Shaytaan hates us. This goes against logic and Iman.
Of the special properties of this month is that the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi maalaissalaatti wa-sallam) used to do itikaf it. Itikaf is to stay in the mosque to liberate one's time to worship Allah. This is a confirmed Sunnah in both the Quran and Hadith. Allah says: "And they shall complete the fast till evening and have no dealings with women, as you do itikaaf in the mosques." 2:187.
And the Prophet (Salla maalaissalaatti Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) did itikaaf and his companions followed him in there. maalaissalaatti The Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) said: "I did itikaaf in the first 10 days of Ramadan looking for this night (Laylatul-Qadr), then the middle 10, so I was told that it is the last 10 So whoever wants to do itikaaf, let him do it. "(Muslim).
It is narrated in Bukhari and Muslim maalaissalaatti by Aisha (Radia Allahu Anha) that she said: "The Prophet did itikaaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan till he died. Then his wives did itikaaf after him. "
Aisha (Radia Allahu anha) said: "When the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) wanted to do itikaaf, he would pray Fajr, then he went into the place he was going to do itikaaf in. So Aisha asked for permission to enter and he gave her permission to enter, and she set up a tent to live in. Then asked Hafsa (Radia Allahu Anha) Aisha to ask permission for her to come in, and when she got there she sat also a tent. When Zainab (Radia Allahu anha) saw this, she did the same. So when the Prophet (Salla Allahu ʿ Alay-hi wa-sallam) saw these tents, he said: "What is this?" They said: "They were put up for Aisha and Hafsa and Zainab." He said, 'Was it integrity they sought by this? Take them down so I do not see them. "So they were taken down, and he forl

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