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First, I would like to express my gratitude to the chief editor for the fact that throws good topics. This is probably to pull. As a close relative :) The food in America. Mmm ... It's even more extensive and pleasant subject than national parks. Where to start? With food in America is well :) That was our first impression when we moved to Chicago from hunger (well, almost mazzios buffet starving) in Moscow in 1994, is full of all the grub, including very affordable. Even for pensioners, the unemployed and living on velfer (allowance). Next, of course, is a matter of quality and health.
At first, we jumped on Peanut Butter (peanut butter) - thickly smeared them sandwiches every day. Very fond of the Old Country Buffet (sideboard buffet here is called), where for $ 5 you can have unlimited! Unlike mazzios buffet trees, sticks, where one is given one plate, there are many approaches you can do :) soups, meat, potatoes, vegetables - all without frills, but edible. A halon (4 liter) cans of cheap wine Carlo Rossi (5 bucks then, now 9) and hotdogs ... Ah, youth :) Overall, well rounded, we gradually began to think about the health :) Although now love Saturdays take in a Texas restaurant mazzios buffet Armadillo Willy burgers mazzios buffet (from the real meat, not McDonald's :), fried potatoes, sharp little cabbage salad with nuts, and for this case - the local beer Sierra Nevada (tasty beer, not Miller :) And all this at home with umyat Overlooking the lagoon on your own patio. And then some coffee (dark chocolate here, too, too, know how to do, such as Ghirardelli). Manages a lunch somewhere 12 bucks nose.
There are different popular ethnic restaurants. mazzios buffet There is a French mazzios buffet cuisine - it is perhaps the most expensive and the gourmet ... There are Italian, Japanese, etc. But American mazzios buffet cuisine as such, perhaps, as no. There are dishes that are typical for different regions. For example, mazzios buffet in New Orleans mazzios buffet and the surrounding Louisiana - Creole cuisine. Famous dish - Djambala. In fig mixture of everything: mazzios buffet sausage, shrimp, all together. Seasoned with spicy sauce. Yummy! Oysters there are also good. And New Orleans - the birthplace of jazz and blues. It is necessary to play jazz in the restaurant and gave oysters. Otherwise, no way :) Is there for them and a signature cocktail called mazzios buffet the Hurricane. That nakarkat mazzios buffet Katrina. We've got a football team earthquake. Oh, do not be so called ...
Hawaii whole pig baked in the coals buried in the sand. But the most delicious steak I've eaten in Dallas. Just melts in your mouth. Portions orgromnye, like everything else in Texas. Restarana driven by cows to the slaughterhouse. Cowboys, mazzios buffet one word ... In Chicago steaks are also good. No wonder there and that command is called Basketball Chicago Bulls. In steykhauze Shula belonging famous American mazzios buffet football coach, give the steaks weighing 2 kg! Who is going to eat - hang a plaque on the wall. We failed mazzios buffet four, although it was very tasty.
In San Francisco, many Asians: Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, and others. Accordingly, there are many Chinese and Japanese restaurants. And after all and the ocean nearby. So sushi Canceled! Japanese average Chinese expensive. Although the Chinese have such appetizer - dim sum. They constantly spread on a tray and choose what to like it, but the waiter scores. Here it is delicious. A simple Chinese grub - very cheap. 3 bucks, you can dial. Initially liked it, but now it seems oily. Of Indian mutton curry like. Often take for lunch. Of Thai - tart soup with lemon and tom yam noodles with stuff pad Thai. Far away from all sorts of eateries, there is plenty to choose from. If you take with you and work there with khalyavnykh water and coffee - costs about 8 bucks for lunch. Oh and if you go to lunch with colleagues in the restaurant - about 15 - 20.
Classic American "Redneck" (hunky) drinking Miller or Budweiser - crates mazzios buffet for 6, 12 or 24 bottles. But we in California are accustomed to good wine, good, here - the main wine regions mazzios buffet of America, Napa and Sonoma. Champagne here, too, that it is necessary. Under white are wonderful local crabs. Only need to buy them, or even better - to catch live and live to throw stew. Crab unpleasant, but vkusnota! But lobsters - is Boston. A lobster in butter - divine! But in the restaurant Red Lobster can be tasted and in other regions of America, relatively inexpensive.
Popular entertainment - BBQ! This is like our barbecue, roasts not only on skewers on the grill and barbecues. mazzios buffet Usually mazzios buffet Barbecues razhigayut coals impregnated with flammable liquid, and when they burn through charged meat. However, you can not just fry the meat, and anything such as mushrooms or corn. Marinade recipe at everyone. mazzios buffet Well marinated in red wine with all sorts of spices. There are also special barbecue sauce. Excellent flow in a sauce p
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