Monday, June 16, 2014

January wakkerzeel 26, 2014 at 09:47

I wrote that I liked Klášterec castle and park - autumn beauty of the park I showed you last time. But since the discussion, the requirement for a photo story homeland, let me show you this place from a different perspective.
This is to introduce Klášterecká Salla Terrena, standing wakkerzeel at the entrance to the park. He built it in 1650 in the early Baroque style by the Italian architect Rossi de Lucca, which in those years, along with architect Carlo Lurag worked on the restoration and reconstruction of the baroque wakkerzeel spent the chateau. (It was at that time owned by the Thun family, who received it as a post-White Mountain confiscated - were the original owners of the North Bohemian Lords Fictum. Ownership in Thun castle remained until 1945, but its Baroque appearance took his fire in 1856 and fixed to the then fashionable pseudo-Gothic style.)
You will notice that a number of statues that adorn the Salla Terrena. And you are the reason why today's photo story called "Brokoffové". In the years 1685-1687 in Klášterec lived and worked for Thun carver and sculptor Jan Brokoff (1652 Spišska Saturday Praha-1718. Klášterec also born in 1686, his son Michal wakkerzeel Jan Josef and nearby Cerveny Hradek u Chomutov was born in 1688 the most famous member of this family of sculptors, Ferdinand wakkerzeel Maximilian, who is credited with the authorship of eight statues from the Charles wakkerzeel Bridge.)
The rich sculptural decoration is adorned fountain on the square Klášterec What led to the sculptures were moved from the fountain Sally Terrena, it I could find - but in 1963 was moved to Salla Terrena file allegory of the four seasons: this is summer,
And that elephant I would give it in detail - it is hard to statues, when the sculptor knows what an elephant actually looks - you would not believe how incredible creatures are called elephant seen in medieval illuminated manuscripts. (But no need to lag behind scenes from the early 19th century ...)
The post was posted in Photo Stories with tags Brokoff, photo story, wakkerzeel history, park, sculpture. You can save the link to your favorite bookmarks.
Kk. wrote:
January wakkerzeel 26, 2014 at 09:47
Well, it reminded me a present of it to arise prejudices and how they can make appropriate bias in the media. We all know the behavior of wild boar but not all known elephant behavior and how little relevant artists (or presstitutovi) is sufficient for defining of appropriate behavior for an elephant Czech. Prejudice and its production using our presstitutů handling practices. For this kind of attitude is typical wakkerzeel to have a very strong emotional charge and weak cognitive component. This means that people have about the elephant (Bimbo) little information and have him little or no personal experience. Such attitudes are formed without sufficient knowledge, generally only the affective basis, just for their irrationality if it is able to adequately enforce the long-term effects wakkerzeel tend to be rigid and consequently hardly affected. wakkerzeel A typical feature of the thus produced is bias and prejudice resistance to rational wakkerzeel arguments, which are then dial accepted. An essential part of the produced prejudices are skillfully folded stereotypes, ie deliberately fixed simplified and distorted views, usually specified as such manipulation is aimed at a specifically defined wakkerzeel group of people. Therefore thus conceived manipulation are readily accepted because they require more cognitive effort and create a sense of security and safety. No but I rozkecal again, excuse me.
The head of state action today in drtinoveřejnoprávní expressed Schwarzenberg, Fischer, Dienstbier and prof. Franz. Perfectly balanced discussion. Hardly there is something to criticize: lol:. For our money the best.
At lunch, I looked at today Moravec with the pupil. Jumping into speech Moravec yet perfected, leaping constantly blames himself nonexistent jumping wakkerzeel to his guest. But that's not me, it's a character flaw moderator, therefore unrecoverable. He's a 1 *. What could be removable CT guidance is a way of keeping the program on the basis of one-sided quotes from unilaterally zideologizovaných media. It occurred to me to write in CT that would not work if it is a guest policies from one side of the spectrum (here zemanovec pupil) and cite the media from the other side of the spectrum (here LN, MF Dnes, E 15 ...), if guest policies from that other side of the spectrum (eg Kalousek, Fiala) wakkerzeel quote from the media seated opposite side of the spectrum (Halo noviny, something from the rights, independent web servers ...)? But I know that neodpověděi or answer that ........... not. That's what I write here. The lamp room at the main station I sent it to

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