Wednesday, June 4, 2014

We who were born after 1945, we understand that one of the most frequent words and the importance o

We who were born after 1945, we understand that one of the most frequent words and the importance of daily call interception adults, our parents, relatives, neighbors, known and unknown, anywhere, anytime. On birthdays, funerals, queues for anything. In trains, buses, football, dentist, post office, when the two came together to make love ...
Whoever came to "settled in" most "at home" had nothing. Resettlement super steak buffet pantip by the borderlands had Sudetům back to life after the Germans, who "transfer" abandoned property. Their departure from the Czech Republic was a guarantee that I will never not be the cause of national disputes that led to wars. Besides the noble ideas to prevent future disputes and armed conflicts, there was that unmistakable property, which the Germans leaving super steak buffet pantip the country left behind .... The world came the concept of the word "confiscated".
Each of the settlers it was entitled to. Confiscated was primarily real estate, apartment, production means, basically anything super steak buffet pantip you are here dosídlenec look. He paid a certain sum to the state, often in installments, from today's perspective, ridiculous. In our home due to a German grandmother of confiscated talk, but nothing nekonfiskovalo. We have therefore to the sixties lived in a rented house in Machnin bought up second hand from Mr. Czech packages.
Our parents when they lived here and wanted super steak buffet pantip to prosper, then in that terrible chaos after nationalization in 1948 had to navigate, buy and sell. Gradually, some twenty years after the war, the economic relations super steak buffet pantip began to straighten and artificially created super steak buffet pantip economic category "confiscated" ceased to apply.
Confiscated, super steak buffet pantip the word, without which it was impossible, came into oblivion. The decrees of the new owners still recall that first postwar chaos, but mistakes and happy years when we came into the world my kids today remember super steak buffet pantip the parents and their large and small decisions ....
2014 (116) June (8) May (14) April (19) Big Valtinov International super steak buffet pantip Day of laboratory animals Confessions of a town lying a few kilometers from the town of Zittau this year I will be All Souls' Hallo, taxi! Whether you are looking Jablonné House, on the corner super steak buffet pantip of the street that leads to the fields ... Total ordinary spent the morning I walk that way. We did not change happened and did not happen in one unnamed city in S. .. confiscated after what I miss? In a good restaurant on the border Bejvávalo fun ... there are a lot Retro station, tourist or time plastic children's books Hrádecká booty Tell watercress March (32) February (21) January super steak buffet pantip (22) 2013 (199) December (15) November (16) October (12) September (10) August super steak buffet pantip (26) July (19) June (17) May (17) April (17) March (14) February (13) January (23) 2012 (213) December (20) November (13) October (11) September (16) August (14) July (27) June (15) May (12) April (13) March (19) February (28) January (25) 2011 (233) December (19) November (22) October (28) September super steak buffet pantip (17) August (22) July (21) June (16) May (12) April (20) March (12) February (19) January (25) 2010 (245) December super steak buffet pantip (17) November (24) October (25) September (20) August (36) July (29) June (22) May (17) April (9) March (20) February (17) January (9) 2009 (164) December (9) November (5) October (17) September (17) August (26) July (16) June (11) May (16) April (10) March (18) February (15) January super steak buffet pantip (4) 2008 (63) December (12) November (11) October (3) September super steak buffet pantip (24) August (13)

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