According to the research of scientists, the images of children is one of the 11 images that audiences enjoy watching the most. Therefore, recently, photographs of children are constantly buffee appearing on the clip advertising products, has received many responses from the audience. With lazy kids eat the ads coax feeding method is effective, but all mothers choose. But in reality, some hyperactive children in addition to viewing the images they are imitating an interest. buffee Thus the negative image in the ad TVC will somewhat indirectly teach kids bad habits
Oreo cake is quite familiar name to parents and children. Oreo ad is posted on a variety of media, in particular, the frequency at most on television. However Oreo ad could I get the above error, pictures bring negative impact on the habits of young children. That ad starring actor Chi Bao.
Clip plot mischievous boy turns himself into superhero, superheroes, but not enough height to the cake, so Superman's father who raised him so he easily took the cake. Photos show love very warm family, by the family sons tend to stick and play mischief with more published. After the help of the father, Sien's have bread in his hand, he also published his own right Superman - Superman pair father. The idea of advertising to these images is very good, showing many features adorable children. But the images to show you how to enjoy cake announced until the end of the TVC cause a lot of resentment towards parents. There is a familiar formula "swivel wheel, tasting ice cream, milk spots" but the last movement is not "eat Oreo cookies" as the last time again that created the first puzzle action is announced chatter, causing no surprise for dad. But this creation is inadequate advertising. To express his desire cake boy was "whipped" cake on hand released. It is considered as one act very offensive, rude adults. Although the message that the media want to convey here is: the irresistible delicious cakes of this, but considering that this action is also not included. If revisited many times children will be very easy to mimic this action leads to the habit of taking food, or anything you like in a natural way without asking adults. Many parents also expressed his views more about this TVC "I think children buffee should advertise towards the education of personality, so it would be better". From that we can see, the view ads targeting buffee children not only help us in the meal ... but also partly formed buffee habits for children, including moral habits, behavior with adults, so that the image in the ad should be more reasonable choice, so as not to attract the attention of young children, but also contribute to teaching and training children gradually good habits.
In addition, treatment of the actor Chi Bao also be considered inappropriate. If so gentle words of actor "Why take the wheel of three" and the children running play, has been replaced by action taken to prevent innocent children's bread and give some advice lovingly, to baby see the baby is wrong, do not re-present this action with another adult, the lesson buffee that advertisers TVC will bring in a lot more sense
Childhood habits are formed very easily and also susceptible to change by all external factors frequently exposed buffee infant. So want to dominate the appeal of advertising on children and parents, the image, the message should lead to an ingenious buffee way, to build for the future generations of preschool country healthy habits strong. buffee Hopefully the other advertising will not suffer like Oreo's negligence.
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