Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Magazine in net written boomtown casino buffet under 2,200 words: reviews, narrative texts, poems,

Magazine in net written boomtown casino buffet under 2,200 words: reviews, narrative texts, poems, essays. Send comments and contributions to postservice@eircom.net. / This online journal includes texts below 2,200 words: reviews, narrative texts, poems and essays. Send comments and Contributions to postservice@eircom.net. Edited by / Ed. Roberto Bertoni. Address (place boomtown casino buffet of publication): English Dept, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel. 01 896 2063. ISSN 2009-7123
ZOO GLASS Tennessee boomtown casino buffet Williams was represented for the first time in 1945. The war in Europe had swept away walls and certainties and elsewhere still hovered the specter of Hiroshima. For playwrights of the time the choice was clear: either treat themes of epochal and global, or focus on more limited spaces and dimensions, deliberately circumscribed. Williams and his peers opted for the second alternative. But the rubble and smoke atomic had already completed their work of penetration. Had settled in outposts deep. They were able to reach even the line of the trench inner and protected, that of the dream. ZOO GLASS is a play set in the American South. Still closed in itself, refractory to innovations, slow to move and evolve, plagued by an almost African boomtown casino buffet sun at times. Yet even there, in that Eden paradoxical and sour, somewhat far from everything, even from himself, comes the echo of a war ended just on the battlefield, but still far enough to be metabolized properly from the minds and bodies. The title of the play of Williams has something boomtown casino buffet wonderful and evocative. The zoo is a place that can match captivity and protection, condemnation and privilege. It is alive, in a zoo, albeit in a cage. Fed and carefully boomtown casino buffet preserved. Schiavi luxury of fate, the fate of the case. The zoo in question, however, has a further characteristic, is glass. Fragile, then, for natural boomtown casino buffet condition incontrovertible. The innate weakness adds to a condition mockingly ambivalent. A metaphor modern as ever, even if able to suck in extra-temporal values, boomtown casino buffet you could say fatally eternal. As mentioned, however, Williams chose to place your own text in a spatial and temporal dimension boomtown casino buffet well determined. A State of the southern United States in the post-war era. Scene after scene unfold the frustrated aspirations of a fallen family. Amanda, one of the stars, recalls with anger, and with pain, his past as a girl glamorous and confident. She has a son, Tom, and a daughter, Laura, in some ways the most emblematic boomtown casino buffet character. And 'Laura, a girl lame and hypersensitive, to possess the unique zoo that gives meaning to the name and drama. Laura holds with infinite care a collection boomtown casino buffet of tiny glass animals. Among them, not surprisingly, his favorite is a unicorn. Mythical animal, does not exist in reality. Incorporeal yet present and loved more than all the others. A dream, glass. Dream of a dream. Paradigm illusions put next to each other and released daily by the dust. Which nevertheless returns, punctual, inexorable. The mother Amanda, emblem of a tenacious vitality despite everything, try to hire a confrontation with destiny. Dares to challenge the apathy and deadly hot plains of the south, all the South and of the spirit. Convinces his son Tom to invite to dinner boomtown casino buffet one of his friends in the hope that the host speaks with Laura, knows her, beginning a relationship, a dialogue with her. Friendship. Although Amanda knows that the only cure, the only reversal of effective sign, is another. Something more than even precious friendship. Tom performs its job. Invite Jim O'Connor, the personification of the ideal for Laura, the concretization of his innate ability to collect and vivid in the mind fragments of special worlds. Jim is the most valuable piece, the unicorn zoo Glass Laura. Enter the house on tiptoe, Jim, polite, courteous, impeccable. boomtown casino buffet Compliments to Laura, telling Tom that if he had a sister like her would do what he did, it would help to know people. Laura is delighted and hopeful. Trembles, is ready to abandon the intoxication of the flight. With the same tone and unchanged boomtown casino buffet courtesy, Jim clarifies his position: boomtown casino buffet "Tom is right to look for the right guys who can appreciate Laura. I just ... made a mistake about me. Perhaps I have no right to say this, but ... I mean, there's no harm in having boomtown casino buffet tried me, but ... The only trouble is that in my case ... I'm not in a position to make right thing. I thought that I would do well to explain the situation in case you can fraintedere Laura ... and suffer. I go out for some time now with a girl

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