Sunday, March 2, 2014

03.02. 18:48 It did not take long: Nokia

03.02. 18:48 It did not take long: Nokia's X, was baked ... 2.3. 18:25 Study: bedesign Living near the airport can add ... 2.3. 17:59 MT: Police closely over 2 000 in heavy traffic ... 2.3. 19:00 Russia laid siege to the Ukrainian military base - NBC: No ... 2.3. 18:02 Two products immediately from the sale of - "is not a ...
"The Guggenheim is an old-fashioned traditions, the concept of colonialism. The era of globalization are more interesting local culture in dialogue with the museum on the lookout for concepts. And this is not the Guggenheim, very well find, "considers the philosophy of art and the visual arts researcher Anita Smith, who investigated the three-year Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher's project, the social significance of art in the age of globalization.
"We should find ways to bring our art abroad to introduce bedesign a more comprehensive and Finnish know-how even more strongly. Powerful bedesign art products can easily lead to a situation where exported to the world too narrow tip of the products covered by the art market order. "Not fair to Finnish bedesign
"Helsinki Contemporary visual art is vastly more interesting than Paris. Multi-obviousness bedesign of an appreciation of the art in exports would be very important. Finland is easily the exotic category, for example, in the United States. We identified with the polar bears and darkness in Lapland, which is really responsible for the situation in which we live, "Smith points out.
"The Finnish state and local government must invest in the high-quality education in the arts. The process of being wound up, for example, the Gulf of one of the traditional art institutions, the Gulf Art Institute with a major role in the development of Finnish art. So many internationally successful artists have been educated there. "
It would be interesting to know which is the ratio of operating revenue in general society bedesign by paying bedesign the art in the field. I'm guessing that there is an amazing minus readings, no matter how you try to spray the figures by talking about exports. Simply the size of the field of art received by the financial support of society should be abolished, bedesign and move on to the rest of society prevailing bedesign in the market economy. A market economy, I mean no blue color of the Socialist Party built on the monument, which is an attempt to justify the profitability, even though it was mostly a pathetic attempt to build governance through describing the monument. In simple terms if you can not do that enough good art that someone pays for it, you can continue making art with my own money for personal enjoyment.
If at the elite and Pajunen want the Guggenheim, so after all they can arrange collection, in which all things are capable of and want to be able to take part. The lobby could then be the appropriate person or company's name messingilaatalla, the amount of which is determined by donation amount. bedesign (It would be interesting to see the potential donors' facial expressions and reactions, bedesign when the project manager says that the Guggenheim Art Museum's budget over three times. This is nothing bedesign but the way of tax money built applications.) State and city tax of euros for such an under no circumstances bedesign should be used for this, as we have art museums, opera , grants for the arts, the city's orchestra and theaters here in the metropolitan area. Crabs, Art scholarships are okay, as the patron and the artist always has been. However, the art of receiving grants for artists to donate should also understand the state and municipally maintained the best art museums in their praise of his work, as if the fact that the art of the act is made possible here. Time of the sublime?
And the work of other people's money is easy to make some money after reaching the closed bedesign inner circle, which is taken here as the city and state kassoineen, taxation or legislative or väkivaltamonopoleineen a weapon against citizens. The banks have been a nice guy and this union being withheld. Money secretly bedesign controlled by banks only to a specific group of citizens and grind demokratiavalhetta and fall.
"Helsinki Contemporary visual art is vastly more interesting than Paris." It is not true in any criterion in terms of - or what? I would hear this with great interest. You should go abroad for a short time, in order to realize in depth, how to, peripheral and boring country Finland is. Finland's art always copy the world, because we do not have the potential and talented artists to present any more. Pekka
Researcher Smith is guilty of quite similar prejudices and generalizations, of which he Americans Guggenheim teams to blame. The fact is that the provincial art schools will be completed very little of the artists who will leave no trace in any location other than the social side of the registers and scholarship foundations strains. Every year, the pensions granted to the artist recipient list tells its own to deny the need to have an amazing trivia master, if this list to identify more than one name. T

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