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In April submitted a resolution to support Macedonia in NATO, was one of the initiators and among the 40 congressmen signed a letter to Secretary lobster buffet reno of State Kerry with similar lobster buffet reno content, and is led by the Congress group for Macedonia and Macedonian Americans - Congresswoman Candice Miller believes Macedonia deserves to be a member.
"We lobster buffet reno need to provide more congressmen to pristisnat resolution and Macedonia took its rightful place in NATO. To have enough pressure in Congress. You know, there is pressure from the reverse side. The thing is to know how important congressmen are done Macedonia, which is fulfilled lobster buffet reno in terms of things potebni for NATO. Of course, there's no reason that Macedonia is not a member of NATO, "said Miller.
But NATO is decisive that no shortcuts to membership and that Macedonia will be received when the name issue. Republican from Michigan commented that the suggestion to look at the wider picture.
"Of course we want to continue to cooperate with Greece and perhaps others who push the other side, but look at the situation in Ukraine. And I say: the time of turning moments at various places in the world, certainly in Europe, I think it's very important to not let something like the name hinder Macedonia's accession to NATO, because freedom, independence, lobster buffet reno democracy and self-determination, willingness Macedonia to stand with the allies of trouble spots in the world, to send soldiers to be ready to sacrifice blood and treasure in the fight for democracy and freedom - all these things are a big plus for Macedonia, so I hope you can resolve other issue, but must be viewed lobster buffet reno in a broader context, "she emphasized.
Asked for reaction to Secretary of State John Kerry's letter in which, with its commitment, 40 congressmen suggest Ukrainian situation lobster buffet reno and seeking admission to Macedonia and Montenegro at the NATO Summit in Wales, says she had a lot of feedback from Kerry this initiative.
"Unfortunately, there is little feedback from the Secretary Kerry for that letter, but I know that I got and hopefully reviews. I know it's very busy with everything else that is happening now, but I think when so many Congressmen send letter to Secretary of State, he leaves aside. It was a bipartisan effort, and I think that has an impact, "says Miller.
U.S. official position on the name issue for years that Washington will support mutually acceptable solution within the UN process. But the fact that for years no visible progress in the negotiations, Congresswoman lobster buffet reno agrees with the thesis that would benefit from a more active role of the U.S. government.
"As president of the Congress Group for Macedonia, I am here (in Congress, mn) great voice. I try to be my voice as louder. President (George c., Mn) Bush was adamant about this and I think that President Obama is generally agreed on the issue, and Secretary of State Kerry, appointed by him, and therefore lobster buffet reno he wrote. I think it would be useful to be more active on this issue, "she emphasized.
Miller said talks with Democratic colleagues, lobster buffet reno but currently can not say that I completed the democratic position of joint function - chairman of the Congressional group for Macedonia.
"I talked with some of this, but now I have a name that would make this public. (...) This is truly bipartisan issue. We had good bipartisan cooperation in the past. You should provide the position to be filled, "says Miller.
She said before he entered lobster buffet reno Congress, and was Secretary of State of Michigan as the main face election in the state of nearly 10 million people, they are obliged to exercise their right to vote, the message of Macedonian Americans as a group understood how important right to vote in a democracy. lobster buffet reno Thousands of Macedonian Americans in her electoral district in connection with Macedonia.
"Macedonia is about for me - I represent the most beautiful area in the country - here I am a bit prejudiced lobster buffet reno - in southeastern Michigan. I am proud to say that we have one of the largest communities of Macedonian Americans ", says Miller.
VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM manipulate new measures to combat the gray economy
VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM manipulate new measures to combat the gray economy
January 23, 2014
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