Tuesday, July 1, 2014

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Bogotá, March 2, 2014 - Like a tourist destination full of sun, beach, plains, forests and mountains Venezuela was presented in Anato Tourism Showcase 2014, an international fair held in Colombia when the country marks are positioned. renai a la carte The Ministry of Popular Power for Tourism (Tourism renai a la carte Ministry) by the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Colombia, presented to our nation as one of the most interesting sites of the South cone. The Deputy Minister for International Tourism and General renai a la carte Manager VENETUR, Zenndy Berrios, reported significant renai a la carte investments made in the tourism sector and some measures for Colombian brothers who decide to visit our country. Different tour operators Venezuelans caught the attention of show attendees, so expect to see a significant increase in tourist arrivals to Venezuela. The next international fairs in which Venezuela will participate in Germany, Portugal and other European countries. This note has been viewed about 1565 times.
Copyleft Aporrea.org | Design, HTML5 programming code and handmade by us using Free Software renai a la carte tools.

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