Friday, July 11, 2014

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 at 5:22 am and is filed under OFFICIAL MUSIC V

ΣΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΞΕΤΑΣΕΙΣ NADIA - OFFICIAL VIDEO pedro suarez - juan diego
Seeking answers and just feel like I have a broken heart, but I hide it very well, my life is meaningless and useless for me because what I most wanted I missed and I know that I can not get it back, but then remember the woman who stole my heart is all my life and salvation. zinc bars Every time I see his picture is like an arrow through my heart, there is as big as losing what you love pain and also having to put up with every day without even a kiss that is at the distance as before I gave her .
Just for her tonight I sit down to write individual letters that are like puzzles in a thousand ways, trying to beat my heart that every day live in a new world. A wildly beating heart out of your chest and you want to run next to her and be every hour, every minute and second closer. She makes my life meaningful, but their presence is like a lost trail.
Now I know why you still think of you: I would not stop loving you, because you are the most important most important to me. I also know why you still cry for you: Because I can not stand something stronger that you are not with me, help me now, only you can save me from the dark shadows of the coldness of the wins, I cry because I do not get the idea still get you my head because that would be a sacrifice for me is that you are always in my mind every hour of the day always present.
The question I do not know how to answer is why I still love you? And why I'm still sure that I will love you? Perhaps it may be because one day you said and I promised rather you always zinc bars love and never forget, but what I'm sure is what my heart to beat, you're the only reason I live. The truth is that I can not describe this feeling in me. I just wish that everything I've written could tell you to your face, but I could not because it would never end. If you read these words by chance or perhaps fate, now you'd know that you will always have been.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 at 5:22 am and is filed under OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO, music video. You can follow any responses zinc bars to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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