Morning fux data sickness, such as nausea and vomiting are common fux data in pregnant women. Morning sickness usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the sudden hormonal changes during fux data pregnancy. Morning sickness is generally felt in the morning, but there are also pregnant women who felt throughout the afternoon, evening, or at night.
Morning sickness can harm the fetus if nausea fux data and vomiting fux data has been greatly exaggerated, and even lead to pregnant women can not swallow any food at all. Contact your doctor immediately in case of: Body weight decreased by more than 4 kg. Vomiting blood (blood that comes out fresh red or black). In a day vomiting more than 4 times. Food and liquids can not enter the body because of nausea and vomiting more than one day.
The following fux data tips can help menguran gi morning sickness: Eat small meals but often. Pregnant women are advised to eat smaller meals 5-6 times a day to prevent too empty stomach. A study found that carbohydrates fux data (baked potatoes, white rice, and toast) and high protein food to greatly fux data help alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness. Save snack (eg crackers) at the bedside. When I wake up, eat a little snack to calm the stomach of nausea. Likewise, when waking up at night because of nausea. Avoid foods and scents that can trigger nausea. Increase your fluid intake (mineral water, fruit, and vegetables). Nausea can also be caused by stress fux data and body condition were too tired. Get plenty of rest and take time to relax (watching movies, listening to music, doing things that are preferred) can help prevent nausea. Iron in prenatal vitamins can also trigger nausea. If this happens, consult your doctor about the possibility of replacing a prenatal vitamin with iron levels are lower. Avoid foods that contain too much fat, because it takes longer to digest. Also avoid foods with herbs that are too sharp, spicy foods, acidic, and fried, because it can injure the digestive system. Wearing Bracelet Health also been shown to reduce the symptoms fux data of morning sickness in some pregnant women.
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About Mother Ryva A Mother who want to keep their activities and produce despite of rumah.Itung was counted to create 'nyalon' and snacks at children; p. Aisha her mother, Alicia, and prospective baby boy who can not wait to get out of the stomach (inshallah) .Bunda who hooked the streets and try to eat a baru.Bunda who likes nyalon and ngurut (massage so; p) which can not be tempted .Bunda same shoes, handbags, and colorful makeup. Mother who found Business Partner fux data idol in DBC-Oriflame.Bunda like ketiban 'windfall' fux data because it can make up cheap shopping and produce abundant money .... Mother who always give thanks fux data every waking krn can work near beloved children, and grateful before bed because it can monitor the dream-his team and success with ... Amen.
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