Sunday, March 8, 2015

Throw all the ingredients into a blender and mix it to a paste. If it is too thick, pour a little o

Tapenade (tapenade) is a Provencal olive paste, which is a great complement to a crispy baguette. You can prepare it from both the green and with black olives. Often, it is added to the capers and anchovies.
Throw all the ingredients into a blender and mix it to a paste. If it is too thick, pour a little olive oil and mix. Tapenade ready to be put into a container with a lid and store in the fridge for a few hours to be pored paste. We can store it in the refrigerator for several l olive verte weeks.
Tastes great with crispy baguette, l olive verte in addition to nachosów. I recommend it as an evening of wine. Recipe for Thermomix throw on rotating blades and garlic and parsley, mix approx. l olive verte 5-7s / obr.10. Then put in the dish-mix remaining ingredients and mixes 10s / obr.10. Mix ladle, if the paste is too dry, add a little olive oil and even mix 5s / obr.5.
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